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Romantic Escapes #1

Малкото кафене в Копенхаген

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Кейт има успешна кариера, добра репутация и споделена любов. Какво обаче ще стане, ако идеалният й свят внезапно се срине и тя трябва да започне от нулата? Или по-точно от Дания, родината на хюга – щастливия начин на живот, откъдето човек неминуемо си тръгва променен.

Добре дошли в малкото кафене в Копенхаген, където из въздуха се носи аромат на канела и горещ шоколад, а романтиката е на една ръка разстояние...

Кейт Синклер работи в една от най-големите рекламни агенции в Лондон и има всичко, за което някога е мечтала – успехи, репутация и очарователен приятел. Или поне тя така си мисли.

В мига, когато нейният любим отмъква така желаното повишение право под носа й щастието на Кейт се изпарява, тя получава нов служебен ангажимент – да проумее същността на понятието хюга, или датския начин на живот.

За целта Кейт заминава на командировка в Копенхаген заедно с шестима журналисти и това е само началото на едно пътуване, което ще преобърне живота им, ще ги срещне с любовта и ще им покаже пътя към истинското щастие.

360 pages, Paperback

First published February 8, 2018

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About the author

Julie Caplin

19 books820 followers
Julie Caplin also writes contemporary romance as Jules Wake.

Julie Caplin is addicted to travel and good food. She’s on a constant hunt for the perfect gin and is obsessively picky about glasses, tonic and garnishes. Between regular gin tastings, she’s been writing her debut novel which is set in just one of the many cities she’s explored over the years.

Formerly a PR director, for many years she swanned around Europe taking top food and drink writers on press trips (junkets) sampling the gastronomic delights of various cities in Italy, France, Belgium, Spain, Copenhagen and Switzerland. It was a tough job but someone had to do it. These trips have provided the inspiration and settings for the trilogy, The Little Cafe in Copenhagen, The Little Brooklyn Bakery and the The Little Paris Patisserie.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,222 reviews
Profile Image for Celia.
750 reviews121 followers
April 18, 2023

•| ⊱✿⊰ |• 3,6 Stars •| ⊱✿⊰ |•

Não posso dizer que este livro me cativou.
Foi uma leitura normal, um bocadinho entediante.
Kate e Ben sempre em ups and downs.
Pontos extras, e o que fez 3,6 estrelas (4), foi a descrição maravilhosa de Copenhaga.
Se pudesse, teletransportava-me imediatamente para lá.
Os personagens não foram nada de mais.
Achei um pouco infantis, pareciam miúdos de 20 e poucos anos.


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I cannot say that this book captivated me.
It was a normal read, a little boring.
Kate and Ben are always in ups and downs.
Extra points, and what made it 3.6 stars (4), was the wonderful description of Copenhagen.
If I could, I would immediately teleport there.
The characters were nothing remarkable.
I thought it was a little childish, they looked like 20-year-olds.

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Profile Image for Mimi.
169 reviews103 followers
October 31, 2023
I don't know why I keep trying to like these cozy, feel-good books. I must be allergic to feeling good or something.
Profile Image for Kim.
2,084 reviews57 followers
January 15, 2018
This was such a wonderfully warm read- which I am sure is going to be in my top 5 list this year. The setting, food and characters are all connected within a hygge theme- guaranteeing a warm, comfortable and happy feel. You can imagine yourself in Eva's cafe being wrapped in her welcome and enjoying the delicious food on offer in a cafe that makes you forget life outside.
Kate is a publicist and when she gets passed over for a promotion finds herself the only one available to run a campaign pitch for Lars idea for a Hygge department store.
He is very impressed with the way she pitches and invites her and a team of journalists to an organised tour to embrace everything he is trying to introduce.
The team of journalists provide many amusing moments and you can feel Kate's apprehension over being in charge of a group of grown ups on a 'school trip' with the added danger of them piling a lot of drink to the expense account. You can just imagine trying get them through duty free and then down to reception to leave on time for the trips. She gets to know them better and they start to form a lovely group having fun.
I loved every page of this book, the cover is sure to grab your attention and the story will make you sigh with happiness.
Profile Image for Claire.
2,319 reviews725 followers
May 30, 2018
Best first book in a series, I have read in a long time.

Definitely an author to stalk going forwards.

Profile Image for Melindam.
747 reviews353 followers
June 19, 2021
2,5 stars

Nothing to send a postcard from Copenhagen to home about, but it is a good beach read. There's not much in there to focus on, so you can keep half an eye on the beach/your drink of choice/your kids or pets if you have them and still not miss anything in the book.

It's the fluffiest little romance. What you see is what you get.
Profile Image for Claude's Bookzone.
1,550 reviews244 followers
July 3, 2021
3.5 Stars round up to 4!


Well that book felt like a nice warm hygge!

Hopefully I was the first to make that punny little joke!

Whilst there were periods in the book where the tension had fallen completely away and the characters were just existing in their little Danish pastry filled world, I was always entertained. Seriously though, there were points where I was wondering what could possibly happen next, as it all seemed to be resolved. However, it all still worked, as the pacing was more like a real life scenario, as opposed to the speed-dating, condensed version we often see in a novel. A simple and charming romance book filled with an eclectic mix of loveable characters. The only problem I have now is how to get hold of a freshly made Danish pastry...

Also, I love the hygge ideals and am staring hard at my house and wondering where the candles and soft throws will go...
313 reviews10 followers
May 31, 2019
The first book I threw away. Like literally, close book, throw across the room. And I had a lot of patience, I had made it to page 200. HOW MANY TIMES DO WE NEED TO KNOW THE SIGHT OF THE GUY SHE FANCIES MAKES HER BODY DO THINGS?

No, seriously, how many times? If you don't think once every 2 pages, then this book is not for you. I mean I can understand the slow pace, the unimaginative story line and characters or the blatant lack of commas where they should be (yeah, I'm a grammar nazi, but this woman is a former PR, she should know how to form a sentence). I even made it to page 200, hoping at some point, things will get really interesting, but after the 497th mention of how looking at Ben made her inside quiver, her heart skip a bit, her bones turn to jelly, her stomach turn, her *insert body part* *insert jumpy action*, I just couldn't take it any more. Yes, people fall in love in chick lits and that's why we read them, but be a bit more imaginative, introduce some plot twists, put them in difficult or uncomfortable situations and for the love of all things holy, don't tell us every other page how she's so falling in love, wow, she's looking at her, touching her, speaking to her and she's an idiot turning jelly for a bit of male attention.

So annoyed with this book that it's going straight to the recycling bin, nobody deserves to be tortured with this.
Profile Image for Margitte.
1,188 reviews595 followers
January 31, 2021
Well, it’s chick-lit. Cozy and cuddly. But the story and characters have a Maeve Binchy ambiance, which really perks up the experience. And it’s highly entertaining.
Profile Image for Martina  Fraňová (fandomky).
142 reviews26 followers
July 6, 2022
Moje subjektívne, hormonálne ovplyvnené, ja hovorí, že sa mi to páčilo. Klišé, ktoré človek počas (a po) náročných chvíľ jednoducho potrebuje.
Profile Image for Michaela.
1,519 reviews68 followers
May 14, 2020
Hygge - pocit šťastia, ktorý je štýlom vášho života a tvoria ho maličkosti. Pekné detaily a príjemná atmosféra, maličkosti, ktoré spravia deň krajším, lepším a pokojnejším. Viete ako správne vysloviť slovo hygge? Schválne som si to pustila, ako to vyslovujú Dáni a znie to v pohode (a nie ako v knihe opisujú, že ako zvuk zvracania).
Asi najprv spomeniem to, čo sa mi páčilo - kaviareň, poličky s pohármi, koláčiky, káva a pečenie (chcem recepty!!), opis mesta a celkový úžasný pocit z knihy, z miest, ktoré opisovali - až som mala chuť sa tam vybrať, zapáliť sviečku, kúpiť si hrnček na kávu, alebo len tak sa pokochať pohľadom na niečo pekné.
A čo sa mi nepáčilo, prečo nedám viac hviezdičiek? Neviem, či je to prekladom, alebo redakčnou úpravou alebo čím, ale mala som pocit, že občas sa až nezmyselne prešlo do inej situácie bez prepojenia. Niektoré časti som si musela prečítať dvakrát, aby som ich pochopila. Chápete? Pri knihe, ktorá má slúžiť na oddych pri kávičke, sviečke, v pohodlnom kresle... že len kniha, ja a pohoda a napriek tom som v strese a márne dohľadávam, že kde mi unikol zmysel predchádzajúceho odstavca... Nechce sa mi to znovu čítať, aby som uviedla presné miesto, ale boli tam inak uvedené časy, raz bol večer, potom hneď deň, raz jedna situácia, potom zase druhá. Proste rozptyľovalo ma to. V kontexte sa to samozrejme vysvetlilo, ale aj tak ma to vyrušilo. Toto by som ešte predýchala. Ale iskrenie medzi hlavnou hrdinkou a tým chlapom ma vôbec nebavilo. Akoby kniha bez sexu nemohla byť... Alebo bez nadávok. Chcem až tak veľa? Na jednej strane ňuňuňu atmosféra a na druhej chuj. Tak som taká rozpoltená a dávam 2,5 hviezdičiek...
Profile Image for Canan  ^^.
931 reviews63 followers
January 27, 2023
Kate, halkla ilişkiler bölümünde çalışmakta ve önünde bir terfi olduğundan oldukça emin. Ama pek de beklediği gibi gelişmez olaylar.Hem terfi hemde sevgilisi elinden gitmiştir.Bir de son dakika bir iş planı oluşturması ve kendini kanıtlaması gerekmektedir. İşi tam manasıyla anlaması için Kopenhag'da altı gün geçirmeli. Hem de birbirinden farklı altı gazeteciyle...Vay başına gelenler!

Sıcak, samimi ve keyifli bir kitaptı.Birbirine yabancı bir grup insanın kendisini, karşısındakini anlama sürecini okumak beni mutlu etti.Romans kısmı ateşli ve hızlı ilişkilere alışık bünyeler için yetersiz kalabilir ama aşk ve arkadaşlık ilişkileri tadındaydı bence. Elbette sinir bozucu sahnelerde vardı ama okuru gülümseten, karakterlerle bağ kurabileceğimiz anlarda yer alıyordu.

Sadece okurken bir kaç sahnede kopukluk hissettim.Geçmişte yaşanan bir an anlatılırken, sanki o an yaşanmış gibi düz bir yazım vardı.Geçiş kısımlarında bu bir sorundu bence.Bazen konuşma kim tarafından yapılıyor anlamadım.Bu 1-2 defa oldu çok abartılı bir şey değil ama ilk etapta kitaba adapte olmamda sıkıntı çıkardı diyebilirim.

Bunun dışında keyifli bir hikayeydi.

Profile Image for  Teodora .
412 reviews2,162 followers
March 10, 2024
3.5/5 ⭐

This was a fun read and there is something about the prospect of love, food and travelling around the world that I feel is cosy, comfy and very welcome when you want something that can transport you for a couple hundred pages to your dream vacation. For me, it's always the low-budget, full-enjoyment kind of vacations that are simply the best.
Profile Image for Deanne Patterson.
2,110 reviews88 followers
April 4, 2018
Feel good chick lit embracing Danish culture. I now want a hygge house (Hygge is the Danish concept of living a simple, well & cosy life ) From the book I understand the Danish are very happy and eats lots of pastries. don't care about the pastries but surrounding myself with happy people sounds great to me. Working at a little cafe with cinnamon bun and hot chocolate scents wafting through the air isn't a bad idea either. And discovering the romantic charm in Copenhagen through romantic late- night walks just may lead Publicist Kate Sinclair to realize there is more to life than climbing the corporate ladder. Could love be in the air for this workaholic?
Pub Date 01 Feb 2018
I received a complementary copy of this book from HarperCollins UK, HarperImpulse through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Maria Yankulova.
817 reviews317 followers
May 21, 2020
Абсолютно захаросана, предвидима, романтична история - точно от това имах нужда в този момент и съответно много ми хареса.

Много ми беше приятно да се потопя в духа на Копенхаген и Хюга. Ще прочета още по темата.
Profile Image for victoria_tonks.
313 reviews
February 20, 2018
Julie Caplin/Jules Wake's books are always a safe bet for me. I have read six of them so far and, on the whole, enjoyed them very much. This one is basically no exception, even though for various reasons I am going to stick to three stars.

TLCiC tells the story of Kate, the PR girl, who is responsible for organizing a press trip to Copenhagen as part of the press campaign for one her agency's clients. During the trip, she has an opportunity to see the beautiful capital of Denmark and discover the true meaning behind the fashionable yet often misunderstood concept of 'hygge'.

The book is a fluffy as it gets. There are some proverbial bumps on the road but nothing really threatening. Denmark and Danish people (the client and his mother included) are seen through such rosy glasses that the sweetness of the picture is positively cavity-inducing. I mean, I have never been to Denmark, so maybe the picture is realistic, I do not know. For this reader, however, it was (a bit) too much. On top of that, almost all the characters experience some sort of epiphany while in Copenhagen and, as a result, manage to get their lives back on track. They start cooking, baking and redecorating their flats, and they all live happily ever after. There are also other some minor quibbles which I do not want to spend time on, but which also made me stick to my 3-star rating.

Okay, so I have complained enough but I still did like the book. All this positivity, happily-ever-after and the becoming-happy-through-little-things message was why I even picked the book, and on some level, it resonated with me. It also did not hurt that there were pretty people falling in love in there ;), and I admit, the romance was pretty hot. (One word of warning here - if you are after clean novels, this one is not it. Nothing too horrible, but there is one rather explicit sex scene and a lot of kissing). But behind all the heat, there was also kindness which is always a sure way to my reader's heart.

The book is part 1 of a three-part series. Books 2 and 3 will be released later this year and I know I want to read on. And yes, I do want to check out the whole 'hygge' thing. :) So, if you need some cheering up and are in the mood for a bit of escapism and something so positive that you need to suspend your disbelief a little (or a lot, depending on the reader ;)), this book is for you.
Profile Image for Nicola Clough.
878 reviews36 followers
December 10, 2017
I had heard of this author but hadn't read any of her books yet I will be reading more as so well written and engrossed you from the first page. Full of happiness and romance and beautiful Copenhagen. Also about Kate finding herself and realising she doesn't enjoy her job. Well worth reading curled up by the fire.
Kate works as a publicist and sadly doesn't get the promotion she wanted so she isn't happy especially when it's her boyfriend who has gone beyond her back and takes her promotion. She is then given another job by her company and she things she can do it and it means she can get away as well. She has to find five journalists to take with her to Copenhagen and they need to write about how happy the Danish are. She goes over with the journalists and as she's going along the beautiful cobbled streets she realises how to be happy but can she find her happy ever after while away. Once she gets home does it still run smoothly or not and she leaves her job as knows she's not happy. Can she end up being happy with the right person.
Perfect read and can't wait to read more by this author.
Profile Image for Abyss.
414 reviews199 followers
May 21, 2023
Dostala jsem přesně to, co jsem čekala a možná i o trochu víc, protože to není jen milé čtení, ale opravdu mě i zajímalo, co postavám Julie Caplinová přichystala.

A ty česk�� obálky, to je prostě skvost.
Profile Image for Anissa.
913 reviews285 followers
August 31, 2020
It's 2020 and I just needed a comfort read so what better way than to take a dip into hygge by way of some chick-lit.

There's food, candlelight, a group of characters who all seem to need a soft place to land and a happy end. It's a winning formula when one is in the mood for it and I let myself be swept away into the story. The misunderstandings between Kate and Ben were fairly silly so that detracted a little but it was exactly on-brand for these type of stories so no stars taken off for me. Copenhagen came alive in a wonderful way and by perusing the titles of the other books in the series, it's quite the tour. I have another in this series The Little Teashop in Tokyo so I'll likely get to that one soon.

Recommended, if you need a soft place to land.
Profile Image for Nancy.
430 reviews
March 4, 2018
Charming story with great little nuggets of philosophy seamlessly worked into it. Enjoyed all of the characters and the way Copenhagen was presented.
Profile Image for Hannah.
511 reviews109 followers
May 25, 2020
I was drawn to this story because of Copenhagen. In a time with so many cancelled trips and plans I was pleased to find a story about the city I was going to visit in April. This book made me feel like I was there so did the trick of an adventure at home.

I loved the story and the setting. Katie and Ben are both great characters, with many other side characters adding to the story Eva and Sophie (two of my favourites). Copenhagen is a city I can't wait to visit in the future and this book has added to the excitement i have with the city. Many scenes were so enjoyable in the city to read about with my favourite being Tivoli Gardens. Katie was so happy there. Ben just became a favourite of mine from the gardens, he was lovely on the roller-coaster. I could have killed Josh myself for turning up and ruining the day after that. The food sounds so lovely and the way of life is explained so well compared to other countries.

I've never been so pleased the story was a little predictable. I was rooting for Katie and Ben after Josh I just couldn't stand him. They deserve the happiness they have at the end''At six weeks mine was no more than a beam.'' I think the best description I can have of Josh is through Taylor Swift's song the man. I loved how Katie's friends teamed up against him when writing their reports.

I hope the characters are mentioned in another part of the set of books. I can't wait to read about New York (the city that never sleeps) it will be nice to remember my last holiday which was to the Big Apple.
224 reviews53 followers
January 23, 2018
Review can be found on my blog: thecosiestcorner.blogspot.com

I honestly cannot tell you in words how much I loved this book. Much like hygge, it's more about the feels - and this book gave me plenty of them! I must admit that this novel has made me push Copenhagen up my list of places I want to travel to and now I'm pining to go there.

It has to be said that the first thing that usually makes me want to read a book is the cover, and this cover certainly doesn't disappoint. I LOVE it. It's so, so beautiful. Whoever designed it - kudos to you! I adore the style of font, the bright colours brightening the cover, the cute town houses in the background, the flowers, the cute little table and chairs - literally everything I love!

The storyline is exactly the same, I immediately loved it from the start and found myself struggling to put it down! I really loved the character of Katie and immediately found myself relating to her. Not so much from a work view, but from a family view. It must be so tough basically being the bread winner of a big family (especially a family that expects you to work hard in order to help out) and I really felt for Katie when she explained how much work she actually put in just to help her family out. I related to Katie in other ways too and just loved her overall character - she came across as friendly and caring.

I just found the whole book really interesting and charming. I really loved Eva, and how I wish there was a cafe like that actually in London! It sounded so welcoming and cosy. And don't even get me started on how good the pastries sounded!! My mouth was watering as I read and I honestly cannot explain how much I want to go to Copenhagen just to try their pastries now!! Even reading about the coffees was making me want to visit!

In the story, Katie is assigned a task to take five journalists out to Copenhagen to get a good feel of Denmark, the happiest country in the world and to see how hygge is presented in their country. I found myself becoming really rather jealous of the journalists that attended the trip to Copenhagen, and would love to see and do all the things they did in the book! I started warming to all of the characters when I got to know them all throughout the story and especially loved Fiona and Sophie - both girls seemed so lovely.

Of course, as with Chick Lit novels, there was romance involved. I kinda saw it coming, but I loved it anyway. As the trip went on, I really hoped that Ben and Katie would get together. And was shocked when Josh turned up! Throughout the story a lot of unfortunate events take place (much to Katie's horror) and this makes it for a great and entertaining read. There's also some humour throughout, so the book was easy to read and just really, really enjoyable.

Overall, I absolutely loved it (if you haven't already guessed by now) and I literally cannot wait for the next one to come out! I really enjoyed reading my first novel by Julie Caplin and so excited to read more by her in the future. Thank you to Netgalley and to the publisher for a chance to read this novel, which I have reviewed honestly.
Profile Image for Shalini (shaliniandbooks).
2,588 reviews215 followers
March 10, 2018
A book which is based on the happiest people on Earth, the Danish and their concept of a lifestyle Hygge. It is all about making your life better, making life cozy, through little things, bringing warmth and homeliness. That's why they are the happiest people on this earth.

After being betrayed by her colleague and lover, Kate has to take 6 journalists to Copenhagen at the behest of a client of their PR firm to show them the concept of Hygge. And enter Ben a journalist but an unknown Prince Charming to Kate's Cinderella act, at an awards night a few nights ago. The chemistry between them is sizzling, their banter invigorating, and yes obviously, love happens!! But that is much later.

My first book by Julie Caplin, and I am absolutely enthralled and captured by Julie's way of writing. The book had a great camaraderie where the journalists start as strangers then go on to become a tight-knit group.The dynamics of the group with their skirmishes and their plans, made my heart smile with joy at the beauty of it.

I loved seeing Copenhagen via the author Julie's eyes, and every description sang its beauty to me. Copenhagen is my place to visit in this lifetime, thanks to the author.

The warmth in the book, struck me deep in the cockles of my heart. I smiled with the characters, their antics, their friendship, their love for each other lasts even after leaving Copenhagen. The main character Kate is a sight to behold, who grows as the chapters unfold, and in the end, her insight and confidence is what is left with me, to remember and to encapsulate.

After reading this book, the concept of Hygge is so vivid and memorable, that I couldn't help but embrace it in my home. I know this book is fiction, but I sure would like to visit The Little Cafe in Copenhagen. This is not a romantic book per se, but it is a book of friendship. (But I fell in love both with the author, Julie Caplin and Copenhagen)

I would say the entire book is Hygge, as strangers becoming friends, then soon becoming a family of sorts, is both heartwarming and beautiful. What is this, if not Hygge???

I received an ARC from NetGalley and publisher HarperCollins UK, and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.
Profile Image for Suzanne.
363 reviews54 followers
August 23, 2018
Wonderful depiction of Copenhagen and Danish culture. A sweet souffle.
Profile Image for Rachel Gilbey.
2,985 reviews542 followers
January 13, 2018
2018 has so far been fabulous in terms of some of the books I have been reading and at the time of writing its only been 13 days into the year! The Little Cafe in Copenhagen is another book that all I want to do is tell you to buy it and read it.

This is a warm hug of a book that wrapped me up so tightly on a cold winters day and wouldn't let me go with its undeniable brilliance, and look at Hygge and just what it means.

I'll admit what drew me to this wonderful story initially was the cover, the title and discovering that Julie Caplin is the always talented Jules Wake writing under a new name. I don't think I even read the blurb for the first time until just before I started reading.

So colour me impressed when instead of your typical cafe book that happened to be in Copenhagen, there was so much more to this story. In fact the cafe in question run almost single-handedly by Eva, who epitomises Hygge was warm, cosy and had a rather homely feel to it. There were danish pastries amongst the various food served there, but it was the atmosphere that hooked not just me but Kate and the journalists on her press trip.

Kate is our heroine of the book, she is shafted by her about to be ex-boyfriend for a promotion, and is asked to work on an account for a new Danish statement department store to be opened in London, without anyone expecting her to land the business.

Thankfully Lars, Eva's son, loves how quickly Kate understands the basics of Hygge and invites her and some journalists on a press trip. Well anyone that knows me, knows I love a holiday and a good amount of the story was set in Copenhagen, visiting various attractions and learning just why it is Denmark is the happiest nation.

I loved the various journalists on the trip who were a complete mix of characters and all seemed to gain something from the week away. I loved touring Copenhagen with the group, and if you didn't know before hand you would after reading that its a city for real foodies. There is a lot of food mentioned, a lot of it not really what i would want to eat but Kate and the others assured me that it is delicious!

It is clear that was a lot of research poured into the detailed description of the city, and made me feel as though I was there alongside the characters.

The book is split into 3 distinct parts and I read the first part without pausing for breath with lunch. Then I unfortunately needed to stop and do some work and a couple of hours later the pull of the book was so much that I decided sitting down and reading the other 80% was in fact my top priority and I'm so glad I made that decision.

I didn't notice the % meter on my kindle creeping up, I was so absorbed in the whole of this story. I am already looking forward to the next Julie Caplin release, and can't recommend this book enough to anyone that wants to read a story that will lift their mood and make you feel like you are hanging out with old friends, while being so absorbing that you have to just sit back and enjoy it.

So put a couple of nice items surrounding you, light a couple of candles (carefully), grab yourself some wienerbrød (danish pastries) or other snacks and sit back and enjoy your new book. You will be glad you did!

Thank you to Netgalley and Harper Impulse for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.
Profile Image for Lenny_reads.
391 reviews29 followers
June 4, 2022
Máte chuť na niečo magické? Ale nechcete žiadne víky, kúzla ani drakov? Mám pre vás jeden skvelý tip. Hoci kúzla by sa tam našli, aj keď iné, aké by ste na prvý pohľad čakali.

Kaviareň v Kodani je magický príbeh plný skutočných ľudia s ich skutočnými problémami a rovnako plný krásy a šťastia. Mnohí už autorku a Romatické úteky poznajú, ale môj útek do podmanivej Kodane bol premiérou. Celý príbeh sa točí skoro hygge (doteraz som nemala predstavu, čo to čudo je), no vysvetlenie na sebe nenechalo dlho čakať. Spoločne s Kate a jej rôznorodou skupinkou novinárov som sa presunula do Kodane, ktorá je hlavným mestom najšťastnejšie národa na zemi. Nepreháňam, nikto sa tam neponáhľa, neženie bezhlavo za kariérou a užíva si malé každodenné radosti. K tomu si pridajte fantastické jedlo, horúcu kávu a voňajúce čerstvo upečené koláčiky. Už ste hladní? Ani sa nečudujem, ja som si počas čítanie dokonca napiekla, lebo sa to nedalo vydržať.

Prijemné prostredie, hlavnú hrdinku, aj neodolateľne jedlo už mame. Čo nám k dokonalosti chýba? Žeby štipka romantiky? Nemajte strach, romantiky sa dočkáte a bude jej viac ako len štipka.

Na záver sa pohodlne usaďte, vyložte si nohy, uvarte horúcu čokoládu a môžete sa vydať na čarovný výlet. Mňa na tento výlet vzalo vydavateľstvo Grada, za čo im patrí moja veľká vďaka.
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Author 27 books5,775 followers
June 15, 2019
I feel like Caplin, looking for a new setting for her next romance, read Meik Wiking's Little Book of Hygge (referenced extensively at the beginning, but not by exact name), then said, What if I paraphrased this, but added lots of staring at a kinda douchey guy's chest, and occasionally kissing him?

I picked it up solely for the title and the Kindle sale, and thought it would be more along the lines of Jemima J. or Bridget Jones' Diary. There's quite a bit of that here, and those are the interesting bits to me. The suddenly making out, accidentally falling into bed atop a half naked man bits didn't work as well, because they seemed to distract from the very serious problems that the main character (and others!) really needed to address. There were families problems and work problems and even health problems that did not ease into the racy scenes as well as lesser problems might have. But I enjoyed it, over all, I just felt it could have expanded more on . . . everything!
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