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Най-забавният и увлекателен шпионски трилър на всички времена!

Капризите на съдбата отвеждат далеч от скъпия му Лондон Томас Лийвен – любимец на жените, пацифист и кулинар. Той е принуден против волята си да стане таен агент на четири държави – Англия, Франция, Германия и Съединените щати – преди, по време и след Втората световна война. В серия от сложни ситуации талантливият шпионин успява да изиграе своите висшестоящи и да помогне на много хора – и то без да отстъпва от благородните си представи за морал и чест.
В трилъра са включени и рецептите за изисканите менюта, които Лийвен умело приготвя за приятели или врагове, и които често му помагат да остане невредим и да изпълни мисията си.

Оценяван единодушно като литературно съкровище, романът става международен бестселър малко след като е написан. Чести са сравненията с Джеймс Бонд на Ян Флеминг и с романите на Джон льо Каре, но творбата на Зимел е още по-богата, и то не само заради интересната кулинарна част.
Със своите брилянтно разказани романи, характерни с непреходна актуалност и обществена значимост, както и с детските си книги, роденият във Виена и живял в Цюрих Йоханес Марио Зимел (1924 – 2009) се нарежда сред най-успешните съвременни автори в света. Книгите му са издадени в 40 държави.

366 pages

First published January 1, 1960

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About the author

Johannes Mario Simmel

137 books79 followers
Johannes Mario Simmel was an Austrian writer.

He was born in Vienna and grew up in Austria and England. He was trained as a chemical engineer and worked in research from 1943 to the end of World War II. After the end of the war, he worked as a translator for the American military government and published reviews and stories in the Vienna Welt am Abend. Starting in 1950, he worked as a reporter for the Munich illustrated Quick in Europe and America.

He wrote a number of screenplays and novels, which have sold tens of millions of copies. Many of his novels were successfully filmed in the 1960s and 1970s. He won numerous prizes, including the Award of Excellence of the Society of Writers of the UN. Important issues in his novels are a fervent pacifism as well as the relativity of good and bad. Several novels are said to have a true background, possibly autobiographic.

According to his Swiss lawyer, Simmel died on January 1, 2009 in Lucerne, at 84 years of age.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 99 reviews
Profile Image for Mei.
1,889 reviews457 followers
April 16, 2014
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this book!!!

I laughed like crazy, I almost cryed, I sighed, I chewed my nails!

It's a roller-caoster adventure! It's brillantly complicated and at the same time easy to read and follow.

It's so an incredible story that it could just be true!

It's a fantastic book.

It's one of those that you cherish forever!

I think I read it at least 10 times and enojoyed it every single one!

So, believe me: READ IT!!! You'll LOVE it!!!
Profile Image for Manybooks.
3,376 reviews104 followers
March 5, 2022
When I was thirteen years of age and had finished with all of the varied and diverse German language middle grade novels I had taken along to Canada when we immigrated there when I was ten, (and yes, by age thirteen, I had also reread some of these books at least seven to eight times), I was indeed so totally and utterly desperate for as yet completely unread by me pieces of prose writing penned in German that I started to actively attack my parents’ bookshelves (and of course, these were filled with tomes generally geared not towards children but towards adults). And the very first novel I grabbed and tried to peruse was Austrian contemporary literary fiction author Johannes Mario Simmel’s 1978 Hurra, wir leben noch! (but which I stopped reading almost immediately, as the author’s writing style totally rubbed me the wrong proverbial way, was on the surface, annoyingly arrogant and massively pretentious).

Therefore, while I bien sûr did not have very high if in fact any expectations with regard to Simmel’s 1960 Es muß nicht immer Kaviar sein (which I had accidentally downloaded on my Kindle in 2018), I decided to at least try my luck, since I was naturally and equally kind of wondering and curious whether my negative reaction to Johannes Mario Simmel as a teenager might have been age-related, whether it might have been a case of me simply not being mature enough yet for Simmel, for his work and in particular for his manner and way of literary expression.

But no, my annoyed and frustrated feelings toward Johannes Mario Simmel’s writing in 1980 (for his Hurra, wir leben noch!) was obviously (at least for me) not just a sign of age related immaturity, was not that I was at thirteen unable to appreciate him. Because yes indeed, as soon as I started reading Es muß nicht immer Kaviar sein two days ago, I had the same gutturally negative reaction concerning Johannes Mario Simmel’s penmanship (exactly akin to my teenaged self), namely that I do still majorly find how he, how Simmel expresses himself (in Es muß nicht immer Kaviar sein) totally and gratingly arrogant, full of holier than thou condescension and to such a pretentious and presumptuous extent that I will definitely (and just like with Hurra, wir leben noch!) not bother with continuing past page ten, to thus rate Es muß nicht immer Kaviar sein with but one star and to most definitely consider Johannes Mario Simmel’s writing style as absolutely not my thing potential reading pleasure wise (as indeed, arrogance and pretentious stylistics are one of my absolutely unforgivable author-induced and caused pet peeves, and one which very often does cause DNF books).
Profile Image for Milena.
176 reviews66 followers
August 11, 2020
Budući da će ove godine od plaže biti samo laže, jedino mogu da se okrenem (p)lažnom štivu. Jedna od zabavnih knjiga koje se mogu čitati uvek i koja ne zahteva apsolutno nikakav intelektualni napor (neuroni mogu da nastave da hiberniraju, što im je difolt stanje od sredine marta).

Imamo tajnog agenta Tomasa Livena koji u toku Drugog svetskog rata radi istovremeno za nemačku, francusku i britansku obaveštajnu službu, koji “nikad ne koristi silu” (osim da lupka tajne agentice po guzi kada besne na njega), koji govori savršeno više evropskih jezika i, najznačajniji detalj - obožava da kuva, što će mu više puta spasiti život. Čim se pomene neko jelo, autor daje detaljan recept koji stvarno RADI (ja sam ih isprobala nekoliko).

Ono što je za divljenje jeste benevolentno ruganje svim učesnicima Drugog svetskog rata: Tomas Liven gleda samo da ih pokrade, bez obzira na uniformu. Simel (Austrijanac jevrejskog porekla) je izgubio veliki deo porodice u koncentracionom logoru i mnogo vremena proveo u istom, ali njegove knjige su lišene besa, ozlojeđenosti, teških i tužnih scena - čist humor i gomila peripetija, tako da bi ovo moglo biti zanimljivo i deci, pod uslovom da se deca dobro razumeju u bankarske termine i geopolitičke sile četrdesetih godina minulog veka.

Jedina (ali stvarno jedina) stvar koja bode oče jeste seksizam: nema žene iz knjige da nije mlada (ni slučajno preko 28 godina... osim jedne dobro očuvane matrone), prelepa, i koja ne potpadne pod Tomasov šarm; ali bogo moj, ovo je objavljeno šezdesete a napisano malo ranije, teško da se moglo očekivati nešto drugo.
4 reviews
May 8, 2013
This is the story of Thomas Levin, ladies man, pacifist, gourmand and reluctant secret agent. Through a series of circumstances, Thomas is driven out of his beloved London and forced to work as a spy for no less than 4 different countries - England, France, Germany and the U.S., before, during and after WWII. He's clever, this Thomas Levin, and manages for the most part to outwit these agencies, all of whom need him to do their bidding, and some of whom want him dead. Clever as he is however, his Achilles heel is women.

One of the charming aspects of this novel is the inclusion of the recipes (in broad strokes) of the numerous fine meals our hero prepares for those he encounters along the way. Even if you don't read the book, the recipes alone justify the purchase.

I've read this book no less then 5 times - thrice in the original German and twice in English. The first English version I read over 20 years ago had a another title (the Monte Cristo Affair?). I lost that paperback years ago, but recall that at least one chapter was edited out - one that included my favorite recipe in the book - Koenigsburger Klopse. The other English version is called It Can't Always be Caviar, and it suffers the same fate. Published in England shortly after the original appeared in German in the early 60's, there may have been some reason to delete or severely edit sections of the book. The German edition weighs in at a hefty 605 pages. The English version is lighter by about 150 pages, weighing in at 457. I feel the reader is cheated by these omissions. If you want the complete experience, get the original in German - Es Muss nicht immer Kaviar sein. If you prefer the Reader's Digest version (or can't read German), then by all means try one of the translated versions.

The redacted English editiona only rates 4 stars. The original in German 5!

A timeless classic.
Profile Image for Sublimacia.
209 reviews13 followers
December 28, 2020
Štvorhviezdičková kniha, ktorá dostala tú piatu za príjemné prekvapenie, keďže som také dobré čítanie od nej nečakal.
Thomas Lieven, agent nemeckej, francúzskej i americkej tajnej služby a jeho pôsobonie v druhej svetovej vojne. Kšeftár, podvodník, mafián, partizán aj záchranca životov. Kniha sa tvári ako skutočná udalosť, ale nad tým by sa asi dalo polemizovať.

Thomas bol, snáď mi dámy odpustia moju francuzštinu, kurevník. Ženy sú pôvodcom väčšiny jeho problémov (vojna samozrejme tiež), ale aj väčšiny jeho radostí. K nim pridajte obrovitánsku dávku šťastia, talentu na jazyky, odvahy/hlúposti a máte úžasný životný príbeh, ktorý nemá logiku, ale je napísaný podivuhodne uveriteľne.

Kniha má humorný podtón, kopec receptov (Thomas rád varí a pri varení dostáva tie najlepšie nápady) a zaujímavé zvraty, ktoré vás plynulo posúvajú stránku po stránke. Som rád, že pri triedení rodičovskej knižnice som naďabil na takýto klenot a snáď som v nej našiel celé klenotníctvo.
Profile Image for Sonja.
38 reviews8 followers
April 30, 2008
Now, this book is not well know among the English speaking population, but trust me, it is a must read!

It's combined of 2 books, and, well, numerous cooking recipes.

It tells a story about a cunning, inteligent, handsome man who durring the II WW worked as a spy for: French Inteligence, CIA, MI6, KGB, Nazis, am I forgeting anyone here? Interesting, eh? Well, the thing is, he worked for all of them- in the same time. Yes.

And the recipes really work!

Read it, you'll laugh-cry-eat-love it!
Profile Image for Paul Bartusiak.
Author 5 books49 followers
August 15, 2013
The Monte-Cristo Cover-Up (originally titled It Can’t Always Be Caviar and originally published in German) is no longer in print, and I became aware of it through a friend who purchased a copy for me as a surprise gift. This is a novel that falls in the espionage genre, but it’s not your ordinary spy novel. The tone of it can be gleaned by a caption provided below the title on an inside page of the book: “The fabulously daring adventures and exquisite cooking recipes of the involuntary secret agent Thomas Lieven.”

Yes, you read right…cooking recipes. I’ve never read anything like this, and taken as a whole, the novel is quite funny. The premise is that Thomas Lieven, with ties to the world of high finance in England, gets mixed up with the spy agencies of no less than Germany, France, England, and the United States during World War II through various mishaps beyond his control- he in a sense becomes a spy for each of the agencies, and thus, I suppose, a quadruple agent!

Thomas is very refined in his tastes and is an exquisite cook, and that’s where the recipes come in. During various critical moments in the story, Thomas volunteers his culinary expertise, and the actual recipes of the meals utilized to get him out of various jams are provided at those points in the story. It took me a while to notice that after each of the recipes, a caption is provided to indicate the significance of the meal: “During this meal Thomas Lieven became a secret agent,” or “This meal revolutionized French monetary policy.” Thus, there is a lighthearted feel to the story; it’s funny, but it doesn’t go so far as to be a spoof (thankfully).

In fact, parts of it are so funny that it caused me to laugh out loud, which, for me, I’ll be honest, is no easy feat. Here’s an example. When Thomas was recruited into one of the spy agencies, the recruiter stated, “I must insist on your attending a training course for secret agents I’ll take care to see that you are transferred to one of our special camps.” Thomas was packed into a truck, with blinds drawn to exclude all light, and hauled away on an aching five hour journey. When he exited the truck, he found himself in a dreary place with barbed wire and a dilapidated building, with a small forest behind it. While he was waiting to be escorted into the guarded building, an old peasant driving a little cart came past. “Got a long way to go still, grandpa?” Thomas asked. “A good two miles yet to St. Nicolas,” the man responded. “Where’s that, then?” Thomas continued. “Why, down there of course. Just before you get to Nancy.” The two guards then returned, and one explained: “We must apologize for having locked you up in that truck. We had strict orders to do it, as otherwise you might have found out where you are, and it’s absolutely essential for you not to know that.” “Aha,” said Thomas.

Of course one must suspend belief for this story, as too many things happen in such a short period of time, and Thomas can get himself out of a lot of jams. But it’s fun, sort of in the way Cary Grant was fun in Hitchcock’s North by Northwest. The passage about learning the art of secret codes, and the use of the book The Count of Monte Cristo to do so (the actual one, not to be confused with the Cristo book which is the subject of this review), was another hilarious moment in the book!

The Monte-Cristo Cover-Up is not for everyone, and it may be difficult to obtain given its out-of-print status. But if you’re looking for a little lighter fare and some comic relief, this may be just the book.
41 reviews1 follower
May 19, 2014
This book is the best book....it combines aspects of my favorite book The Count of Monte Cristo....and the coolest non-spy spy character Ever.
I have read hundreds of espionage books and this is top 3. The story is an ever changing saga of adventures and misadventures that run the gambit of emotions from
Comedy, hysteria, passion, tragedy, intrigue, clever wits, high class sophistication to the European underbelly across two dozen European cities . Thomas Levien, is a suave pacifist banker thrown into the blender of wwII, and ends up playing for half a dozen different intelligence teams, not by his own choice....a brilliant strategist , a gourmand and an old-world "ladies" man.
The alternate title is my new favorite saying.."It can,t always be caviar!" I want to read it again already!
Profile Image for Misha.
38 reviews3 followers
January 6, 2012
The impression is that this book is written for teenagers dreaming of becoming superheroes. The main character is too lucky, too smart and his reasoning is as primitive as a one belonging to a 15-years old idealist. How the hell did this book become a best-seller in the 60-s?

I stopped reading after 150 pages. It's just not worth the effort.
Profile Image for Ренета Кирова.
1,132 reviews32 followers
February 9, 2024
3,5* и ще се обоснова защо.
Не знаех какво да очаквам от този роман, но познавах стила на писателя от "Любовта е само дума". Разделена е на две книги за удобство при четене. Ще намерите и много рецепти за готвене. Жанрово не мога съвсем да я определя, може би като фикция, ретро криминална, шпионска, леко забавна и приключенска. Героят се среща с много известни личности, което ми напомни за "Стогодишният старец, който скочи през прозореца и изчезна", но тази е по-добре написана, поне за мен. Имам чувството, че авторът е взел някои интересни случки за Втората световна война и ги е вплел в героя си, смесвайки действителност с измислица.
Томас Лийвен е обикновен банкер на 30 години, когато неговият съдружник го изпраща на сигурна смърт в лапите на Гестапо. От там започват неговите приключения като шпионин и той често изпада в нелепи ситуации с агентурите на различни държави. Всеки го дърпа да шпионира за него, да прави нещо и никой не го пита какво желае самия той. Томас прилича малко на Джеймс Бонд по маниери, умее да готви вкусна храна, облича се като джентълмен, чаровен и забавен е. Жените припадат по него и постоянно има някоя, която се е провесила на врата му. Лошото е, че го лъжат и крадат парите му, често попада в капаните на женската коварност. Иначе, той е умен, обаятелен и интелигентен, успява да разиграва години наред агентурните служби. В същото време е и пацифист, не обича убийствата и по време на Втората световна война от която и страна да се намира, винаги гледа да спаси колкото може повече хора. Благородството му и разбиранията му често го вкарват в неприятни ситуации, от които се измъква благодарание на гениалните си хрумки по време на готвене. Действието се развива в периода 1939 - 1957 г.
Текстът е лек и ненатоварващ, чете се бързо. В един момент зациклих, защото общо двете книги са 820 страници и приключенията започнаха да стават повторяеми. Героят се въртеше в кръг и не можеше да се освободи от агентурните мрежи и преследванията. Тази книга заслужава един хубав ретро сериал, може да се превърне в чудесен филм.
Profile Image for Helena (Renchi King).
338 reviews16 followers
February 22, 2016
Ne sjećam se da me neka knjiga ovako izmrcvarila!Pustolovine Thomasa Lievena,njemačko-britansko-francusko-američkog špijuna.
Radnja romana-2. svjetski rat.
Početak djeluje zgodno,no..nakon početka,na slijedećih 550 stranica čitat ćete jednu te istu priču s manjim izmjenama. U određenom trenutku shvatit ćete da sadržaj više nije bitan jer priča neprestano ide iz početka.
On je srećković kojem ni smrt ne može ništa,uvijek u društvu prekrasnih žena koje,sve redom,luduju za njim.Novac i dobar životni stil nikad nisu problem za njega.To rješava "jednom rukom"..
Svakako nećete zaboraviti ime glavnog protagonista jer se ponavlja u svakom poglavlju (to je kao onaj duhoviti dio koji malo podsjeća na francusku legendarnu tv seriju "Alo,alo")
Po mom mišljenju,ovaj roman je možda nekoć bio interesantan.Danas je davež...na petsto stranica!
Profile Image for Başak Ebru Tarım.
183 reviews3 followers
January 29, 2023
Bu sefer eskilerden bir kitapla geldim. Mario Simmel'in uluslararası çok satan romanı Yalnız Havyarla Yaşanmaz -yazarın dediğine göre- gerçek bir hayat hikayesini anlatıyor. Kahramanımız Alman vatandaşı olan Thomas Levien. Kendisi bir savaş karşıtı. 1939 yılında Londra'da başarılı bir bankerken kendini birden dolandırıcılıkla suçlanan bir sanık durumunda bulur. Masumdur, oyuna getirilmiştir. Sahip olduğu kişisel yetenekleri onu gizli servisler için çok cazip bir hale getirmektedir. İçine düştüğü durumdan, Fransız gizli sevisiyle is birliği yaparak kurtulabilecektir. Ve hikaye böyle başlar. Thomas ıkinci dünya savaşı sırasında ve sonrasında da çeşitli gizli servisler için çalışmak zorunda kalacaktır. Emrine çalıştığı ülkeler, kullandığı isimler ve pasaportlar değişse de, değişmeyen tek şey Thomas Lieven'in savaş ve Nazi karşıtlığıdır. Savaştan kirli para kazananların, vurguncuların, fırsatların düşmanıdır. Bu arada bal tutan parmağını yalar misali, kendi adına da kârlı işler kovalar. Ama kurbanları hep kötülerdir.
Kitapta başrollerden biri de lezzetli yemek tariflerine ayrılmış. Aynı zamanda usta bir ahçı da olan kahramanımız, tüm önemli işlerini, yemeklerini kendisinin pişirdiği muhteşem sofraların başında halleder. Tüm bu yemeklerin tarifleri de kitapta yer alıyor. Ayrıca sahte pasaport nasıl düzenlenir, soğuk damga nasıl taklit edilir, sahte hisse senedi nasıl düzenlenir gibi çok faydalı bilgileri de bayağı detaylı bir şekilde öğreniyoruz.
Kitapta çok etkileyici bir bölüm vardı. Herkesin kulağına küpe olacak, hayat dersi gibi bir paragraf. Adamın biri savaş bittikten sonra Alman hükümetine hizmet ettiği için pişman oluyor ve kendini ihbar ediyor. "Bu cani hükümete hizmet ettiğim için son derece pişmanım. Onlara inanmıştım. Daha az inanıp, daha çok düşünmeliydim." Bu tip bir aydınlanma her eve lazım sanırım.
Mario Simmel'e çok gençken, yıllar önce, Bırakın Yaşasınlar kitabıyla tanışmıştım. Kitabı elimden bırakamadan, bir solukta okuduğumu hatırlıyorum. Derken yıllar yıllar sonra Nadir kitapta Mario Simmel kitaplarını 3 - 5 TL gibi komik fiyatlara satıldığını keşfettim ve eksik olanların hepsini topladım.
Profile Image for Cintia Aleixo.
223 reviews20 followers
June 20, 2017
Tem um charme das antigas, um clima bem de filme preto e branco. A estória em si não é grande coisa, mas permeia uma inocência que não se vê mais.
Qto às receitas...essas não envelheceram bem...era o que mais me interessava, mas não dá pra aproveitar quase nada... não sei se foi erro na tradução, mas são impraticaveis

It has a charm of the old, a good atmosphere of black and white film. The story itself is not much, but pervades an innocence that is no longer seen.
As fot the recipes ... these did not age well ... it was what interested me the most, but I can not enjoy almost anything ... I do not know if it was an error in the translation, but they are impractical
Profile Image for Jannelies.
1,122 reviews96 followers
May 5, 2024
One of the books I try and re-read regularly. A story with multiple plots, lots of travel, secret service, threatening scenes and recipes!
Originally written in 1960 by Johannes Maria Simmel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johanne...) and translated in English as 'The Monte Cristo Cover-up) it became a world-wide success and it still attracts viewers of all ages.
5 reviews
April 4, 2021
Très drôle, très bien écrit et traduit, les situations rocambolesques s'enchaînent sans jamais paraître tirées par les cheveux. J'ai passé un très bon moment en compagnie de ce livre !
153 reviews14 followers
November 10, 2020
Um die verzwickten Verwicklungen eines kochbegeisterten Bankiers, der wider seinen Willen gezwungen wird, für verschiedene Geheimdienste im und nach dem Krieg zu arbeiten, geht es in Johannes Mario Simmels Roman "Es muss nicht immer Kaviar sein".
Nette, leichte Kost zu Beginn und gegen Ende ein bisschen langweilig. Simmel beherrscht es meisterhaft, zuerst das Ende eines Geschehens, zuerst den Höhepunkt zu bringen und dann zu berichten, wie es dazu kam. Die Spannung kommt dabei ein bisschen zu kurz. Es ist aber recht amüsant geschrieben. Wenn auch für Leute mit schlechtem Gedächtnis, denn wenn immer ein Name auftaucht: "Wir erinnern uns: Vor 5 Jahren war diese Person da und da und hat das und das getan." Naja. Aber ganz lustig.
Profile Image for Alexandra Graßler.
141 reviews15 followers
August 2, 2019
Nicht dass ihr meint, dass ich nur immer höchst seriöses Zeug lese. Nein, auch das hier ist eines meiner Lieblingsbücher. Dieser alte Schinken ist von 1960 und ein Erbstück sozusagen von meiner Mama.

Eine Agenten Geschichte die in England ihren Anfang nimmt und durch Frankreich, Deutschland und noch ein paar weitere Staaten ihre Kreise zieht.

Die hauptsächliche Zeitspanne ist die Kriegszeit vom Zweiten Weltkrieg und die Zeit danach.

Ich finde das Buch immer wieder lesenswert und amüsant und nachdenklich machend.

Der Protagonist Thomas Lieven war eigentlich ein sehr zufriedener Bankier der jedoch von seinem Kompagnon übers Ohr gehauen wird und daher fliehen muss.

Er rutscht als unfreiwilliger Agent in die Geheimdienstszene hinein und erlebt dort allerhand Abenteuer. Im Buch integriert sind Rezepte die er als leidenschaftlicher Koch nutzt um seine Art von Spionage und Weltverbesserung kulinarisch zu unterstreichen.

Der Autor Johannes Mario Simmel war geborener Österreicher (1924 – 2009) und hat sehr viele Romane in seiner ganzen Zeit geschrieben. Er recherchierte immer sehr genau und seine humorvolle Art macht das Buch zu einer wahren Freude zu lesen.
Profile Image for Torsten Wieland.
23 reviews
April 15, 2023
Der Roman war schon alt, als ich ihn als Kind das erste Mal las. Ich mochte ihn damals wie heute. Dabei ist es wie mit alten Filmklassikern: Alles ist langsamer, die Geschichte bekommt mehr Zeit als man es von moderneren Geschichten kennt.
Die Figuren sind charmant oder lustig, die Wendungen schlau, die Darstellungen farbig. Auch heute noch kann ich an diesem 1960 veröffentlichten Roman Spaß haben.
April 29, 2020
Read the French version,now listening on audio. This is one of my favorite books of all times. A must! One man against all special services during the Second World War. adventures,food and meals for every occasions,endless captures and running away from un real situations! All he wants is to be left alone,but no.
Profile Image for Paul.
447 reviews20 followers
January 12, 2022
Een doldriest verhaal met spionage, verzet en koken als hoofdingrediënten
Dat eigenlijk nog niets aan frisheid ingeboet heeft, ook al is het meer dan 60 jaar geleden uitgegeven
Het blijft zeer onderhoudend en origineel
En dus nog steeds een aanrader
9 reviews
December 27, 2011
I remembered it to be an entertaining book. Now that I tried to read it after cca 15-20 years, it was just boring
Profile Image for Chris Callaway.
343 reviews2 followers
May 5, 2017
If P. G. Wodehouse had written a James Bond novel, it would be a lot like this.
Profile Image for Gustavo.
49 reviews
January 7, 2024
Avaliação do livro Nem só de Caviar Vive o Homem de Johannes Mario Simmel

"Nem só de Caviar Vive o Homem" é um titulo bastante instigante para uma romance de espionagem de 500 páginas. A sinopse na contra-capa indica que se trata de um "jovem burguês tranquilo, destinado a uma brilhante carreira como banqueiro. [...] e ele acaba trabalhando para os Serviços Secretos dos principais países envolvidos no conflito [Segunda Guerra Mundial]". Com uma certa "finura e classe", esse parecia mais um James Bond literário.

Porém, algumas coisas tornam a obra muito maior do que todas as produções de espiões que eu já consumi. A começar pelo enredo: indo na contramão da maioria das narrativas de agentes - que mostram cenas de suspense, roubo, mistério e mais suspense, com todos aqueles aparelhos absurdos como bolas de chiclete explosivas ou um sapato-celular - Nem só de Caviar apresenta uma história muito mais consistente e convincente, e isso se dá pelo fato de que são histórias reais. Além disso, a trajetória de Thomas Lieven - o protagonista - se dá a partir de sua vida pacata como banqueiro em Londres, e não a partir de uma Agência de Espionagem qualquer.

É tão surreal e extraordinário ao mesmo tempo: por detestar esses agentezinhos e negociatas, Lieven busca representar nesse cenário de guerra internacional um agente-duplo. Não um agente-duplo qualquer, como Alemanha-Rússia, Inglaterra-Alemanha ou qualquer outro rival da Alemanha, e sim sempre agindo em prol do Serviço Secreto e pelos refugiados e pelas vidas. Isso significa, claro, ludibriar a Abwehr, Gestapo, SS, Deuixième Bureau, MI6, FBI e KGB (todos aparecem no livro).

Esses episódios estão repletos, claro, das técnicas de espionagem empregadas nos anos de 1940: Documentação falsa (e nomes falsos, mas o autor conseguiu não nos confundir com tais nomes), lábia, estratégias de fugas de prisão, como esconder mensagens secretas em rolos de papel, falsificar passaportes, roubar joalherias, lucrar (e desmantelar) o mercado ilegal, disfarces, etc. Tudo muito detalhado, contudo não reprodutível. E essa profundidade no assunto seduz qualquer admirador pelo assunto.

Além disso, o livro está repleto de termos técnicos, a maioria alemães. Talvez, é possível se confundir em algums momentos da leitura. Eu sugeriria incluir um glossário para a maioria desses termos. Contudo, a edição que eu li é de 1980 e pode ser que tenham incluído nas versões mais recentes. De qualquer forma, não comprometem a leitura.

Por fim, o autor incluiu receitas (isso mesmo, receitas) culinárias de todas as refeições que o protagonista - também cozinheiro - realiza. Eu li as primeiras 3, mas elas realmente não agregam em nada no restante da narrativa, então parei de ler. Quem sabe, em um improvável futuro, eu não queira preparar um Chachlik com Arroz Pilaf para uma futura espiã soviética nos Estados Unidos, e não encontre as instruções em lugar algum, a não ser na página 483.
Profile Image for JessicaImReihenhaus.
114 reviews1 follower
May 20, 2024
Ja, ich bekenne mich schuldig. Bis dato habe ich, als eingefleischter Krimifan und Liebhaberin von Geschichten, die in den 40er und 50er Jahren spielen, diesen Klassiker noch nicht gelesen. Jetzt ist es dem glücklichen Umstand, dass Simmel dieses Jahr seinen 100. Geburtstag gefeiert hätte, geschuldet, dass es eine Jubiläumsausgabe gibt. Wenn das mal nicht ein Zeichen ist! Und was soll ich sagen?! Warum habe ich solange gewartet? Dieses Buch hat, trotz seiner 60 Jahre (!), die es auf dem Buckel hat, alles was ein rasanter Krimi braucht.

Thomas Lieven möchte sein Leben als Bankier genießen, wird aber stattdessen während des zweiten Weltkrieges gleich von drei Geheimdiensten als Spion rekrutiert. In dieser Rolle gerät er von einer Mission in die nächste und rettet sich teilweise auf abenteuerlichste Weise aus den schlimmsten Situationen. Wir (und Thomas) lernen, vor der Kulisse des Krieges, wie man Pässe fälscht, aus dem Gefängnis flieht oder skrupellose Juweliere bestiehlt.

Dabei hat mir sehr gut gefallen, dass sich die pazifistische Einstellung Thomas von Anfang bis Ende durchzieht. Er möchte nicht „auf einer Seite stehen“, sondern in sein ihm bekanntes Leben zurückkehren und in Frieden leben, was ihm immer wieder verwehrt wird.
Aber wie jede Medaille, hat auch diese Geschichte eine nicht so schöne Seite und die zeigt in meinen Augen klar die Rolle der Frauen in Thomas Leben. Reihenweise verfallen diese ihm, eine sogar bis nahezu zur Selbstaufgabe, was beim Lesen wirklich schwer zu ertragen ist. Dass Frauen hier auf James Bond Manier dargestellt werden, ist sicherlich der Zeit geschuldet in der das Buch, nun einmal auch noch von eine Mann, geschrieben wurde, macht die Sache jetzt leider aber nur marginal besser, wenn auch erklärbar.

Letztendlich ist die Geschichte aber so interessant und rasant, dass es von mir eine Leseempfehlung gibt für alle, die James Bond, Argylle und historische Spionagethriller mögen.
30 reviews
January 2, 2024
Meine Eltern haben mir das Buch irgendwann mal mitgegeben, ich dachte lange lange Zeit es sei ein Rezeptbuch und habe es deshalb Jahre nicht angefasst. Und dann kam ein Freund zu Besuch, der meinte er hätte da mal dieses eine Buch gelesen und toll gefunden. Der Titel sei irgendwas mit Kaviar gewesen. Tatsächlich handelte es sich um Es muß nicht immer Kaviar sein und das war der Moment, in dem ich entschied, es zu lesen.
Um mich mit ihm darüber unterhalten zu können, begann ich es recht schnell zu lesen und habe mich großartig amüsiert. Es ist vielleicht keine Lektüre, die man mal eben an einem Tag liest. Dafür passiert zu viel und die Rezepte wollen schließlich auch zumindest beachtet werden. Die Stimmung war witzig, die Sprache zwar nicht mehr zeitgemäß aber die pazifistischen Werte und der Respekt vor Menschen jeder Gesinnung, so wie jeder Vertrauensvorschuss machen aus Thomas Liesen den vielleicht sympathischsten Protagonisten der mir seit langem über den Weg gelaufen ist. Sicherlich gibt es ein zwei Szenen, die mit heutigem Verständnis fragwürdig zu betrachten sind, jedoch fühlt es sich nicht verachtend an und ich denke man kann es Herrn Simmel verzeihen.
Die Irrungen und Wirrungen, jeder Twist, Betrug und Erfolg machen das Buch wirklich zu einem Erlebnis und ich hab auch ernsthaft mitgefühlt, wenn es ein paar Figuren an den Kragen ging. Außerdem wird sehr anschaulich die Lebensrealität zur Zeit des zweiten Weltkriegs und der Nachkriegszeit dargestellt. Auch wenn das Buch grundsätzlich leichte Unterhaltung ist, so kann ich es eben wegen dieser vermittelten Werte und cleveren Verstrickungen nicht abtun. Ich habe das Buch wirklich sehr genossen und werde vermutlich noch weitere Bücher von Simmel lesen.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 99 reviews

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