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...Разяждана от ревност Доли съсипва шеметната кариера на сестра си, прочутата филмова звезда Ив Диърфийлд, и заминава за Ню Йорк, където се впуска в успешен бизнес, Но Доли може би ще изкупи греха си, и то по твърде необикновен начин.

524 pages, Paperback

First published December 31, 1991

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About the author

Eileen Goudge

104 books576 followers
I began writing at the age of eight, and wrote my way through the lean years, more than one marriage, single motherhood,and moving to the Big Apple on a wing and a prayer, with fifteen women's fiction novels to show for it. Every life experience I've weathered has found its way into my novels in one form or another:bad exes, births, deaths,divorces, pregnancy scares,true crime (I was nearly kidnapped, at age 12, by the stranger whose car your parents warned you not get it into). It's all part of the alchemy that makes for fictional gold.

BONES AND ROSES, Book One of my Cypress Bay mystery series, marks my entry into the ranks of mystery novelists. I've been a fan of the genre since I fell under the spell of James M. Cain reading his masterpiece, "Mildred Pierce."

SWIMSUIT BODY, Book Two of my Cypress Bay mystery series, was just released. Whether you read the first one or this is your introduction to the sunny California seaside town of Cypress Bay where dark twists abound, you'll enjoy Tish Ballard's further adventures in sleuthing. Property manager extraordinaire, she knows where the bodies are buried, literally in the case of celebrity client, Delilah Ward.

I'm currently (and happily)wed to WABC-TV correspondent Sandy Kenyon, also known as the "taxi TV" film critic. We met when he was a radio talk show host and he interviewed me on air. How's that for a Hollywood meet-cute?

My life's goal was to have a day job that didn't require me to wear pantyhose. Thankfully I've achieved that. Everything else is the icing on the cake.

Bones and Roses

Bones and Roses is the first book in my Cypress Bay Mysteries series.
Stop by www.eileengoudge.com to learn more about the book and for more excerpts, recipes and info on my novels.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 66 reviews
Profile Image for Deodand.
1,248 reviews21 followers
April 6, 2008
I really tried to give this book a chance on the recommedation of my mother, but I guess our tastes are just too different. I found this book predictable, boring and derivative. I hate how the characters seem to deliberately choose against the best course of action in order to wreck their lives. It feels forced - like the hand of the author stirs them around.

I also cringed at the sex scenes. They are wedged in between plot elements at certain intervals, as if to keep the reader moving on through. And if one more person writes about sex involving a nursing woman's milk, I will barf. Go ahead and do that stuff in private, whatever, but just don't make me read about it anymore. I'm so sick of it.
Profile Image for Michael.
7 reviews
November 5, 2014
one of my favourite moments from the book:

"Adam has a right to know his grandfather," Laurel had told her quietly but firmly.

coming from the mouth of the woman who decided to keep the child a secret from his biological father because she wanted to raise him with another man.

yep, these are some wonderful people we're dealing with here.
Profile Image for Anushka.
71 reviews12 followers
January 20, 2012
Absolutely loved this book, this is the second time i'm reading it and I just flew through all 711 pages...was so sad when it got over :( Not like one of your usual paperback romances - this book uncovers a lot about human nature, what makes us do things, how hard it is to let go and how easy it is to read everyone else but ourselves...hmm. something to think about. Anyway, I'm unashamedly confessing that I love it. it may not be a classic or on the booker list or whatever, and I bet more mills and boonsy readers have read this than professors in creative writing but ohh welll i luuurve it! Amazing story about the relationship between two generations of sisters, sibling rivalry and a love triangle, chocolate, gorgeous men to choose between - what more can you ask for!
Profile Image for Victoria.
72 reviews3 followers
March 12, 2011
I guess this was decent recreational reading, but I didn't love it. I had to put it down several times because I found the main characters actions annoying and predictable. All the miscommunications and hiding things from one another drove the plot, but were not very realistic. The most interesting parts of the book to me were the descriptions of the chocolate making and selling.
832 reviews162 followers
February 28, 2007
What a lousy waste of time. Poorly written, weak characters, and a plot I couldn't have made up if I tried - if I hadn't been in Israel for the year and desperate for anything in English I wouldn't have stuck through. Blech.
2 reviews
April 13, 2008
Don't take adivce from Shana when looking for a good book to read. This was certainly not it!!!!!!!!! Thanks Shay, I owe you.
Profile Image for My_every_day_chilling.
292 reviews14 followers
December 5, 2023
I remember reading this book ages ago.
Some advice, don't read this book with a box of chocolates by your side, you'll eat them all!
October 28, 2011
Read this a long time ago, it was my first Eileen Goudge, made me fall in love with her style. Just be sure to have a box of chocolates near by when reading you will crave it
Profile Image for Jessiaca Evans.
28 reviews2 followers
April 20, 2014
I have a hard time with this book! It was far too slow a read! I found myself stopping in the middle of the book, it was too boring!
Profile Image for What to read next ........
282 reviews3 followers
June 27, 2023
This was such a fabulous read , loved it my first read from this wonderful author.

The Devoted Sisters starts with Eve and Dolly both Hollywood actresses, both pretty but with Eve having all the determination to be the best, which gets her to the top, while Dolly settles for parts in B grade 🎬 movies.

A crooked agent plays on Dolly jealously of her sister to falsely accuse her of Communist sympathies, bringing her career to an end .

Eve's subsequent suicide preys on Dolly's conscience causing her to devote much of her life to the care of Eve's two daughters.

Annie and Laurel, the major part of the book belongs to the lives and careers of the two girls, with Annie intend on becoming one of the great chocolatiers of the time and Laurel pursuing a career in art .

It's an involved story with some pretty steamy love scenes and characters falling in and out of love.

This book actually would make a great soapie with villains, heros, breaking hearts and Heroines and the most mouth watering descriptions of fine chocolate making that can be imagined 😋.

This was a lengthy read over 700 pages , but so well worth the Read, such a page turner .
Profile Image for Majushi.
25 reviews
July 28, 2020
SK: Oddané sestry
Kniha naplnená úžasne podrobnými opismi, ktoré sa mi veľmi páčili. Vyhladla som pri každom opise čokolád, ponorila sa do atmosféry mesta, jednoducho super!
Postava Annie mi bola veľmi sympatická, dokonalo som do nej vedela vcítiť, s tými jej počiatočnými problémami ako peniaze, jedlo, ubytovanie až po námahu snažiť sa viesť svoj vlastný život, vlastný podnik a nájsť, koho vlastne miluje. Každá postava bola iná, čímsi odlišná a zaujímavá, od tety Dolly s jej záľubou v žiarivých farbách až po Rudyho, ktorý chcel byť milovaný.
Vôbec mi neprekážalo pomalšie tempo, teda aspoň zo začiatku. Ku koncu to už bolo naozaj únavné a nakoľko tam nebola väčšia zápletka ako vzťahy a opäť vzťahy, tak to chcelo trochu trpezlivosti prelúskať sa vnútornými dialógmi, emočnými výlevmi a pod.
+ vedomosti z rôznych oblastí (čokoláda, podnikanie, právo, Židia)
+ Opisy ❣
+ Rozdielne charaktery, pestrosť

- únavné čítanie (hlavne ku koncu)
- nijaká väčšia zápletka ako komplikované (romantické) vzťahy
Profile Image for Michie.
175 reviews2 followers
May 26, 2023
This brought me back to days of reading Gossip Girl wondering why we're fighting over such a wet rag of a character. Girls, you can do better. Well, at least one of you did.

Long but engaging. I was expecting a bigger deal over the incident that instigated the rift between Dolly and Eve but it was pretty much brushed aside by Annie. I suspect that would be more at fault with the summary of my particular ebook copy though.

Well, I'll probably be back for some more Eileen Goudge novels at some point. Learning her past as a Sweet Valley High ghostwriter has me intrigued!
Profile Image for Nayab.
7 reviews3 followers
September 16, 2020
Started off beautifully and had me hooked. I love intricate plots that tie in a bunch of characters and explore their lives. However, this book went downhill somewhere after the 200th page. It was slow, dull, and made me hate all of the characters, especially Annie. I didn’t bother reading the last 60 pages because I don’t want to waste precious reading time on swill.
Profile Image for Sandi.
149 reviews4 followers
May 5, 2024
I've read about 6 of Eileen Goudge's novels. This one and "Blessing in Disguise" were definitely my favourites. Great, cant-put-down family sagas with romance thrown in. If I had to recommend a third, I'd say "Thorns of Truth" was very good as well. Sadly, the other 3 titles I've read just didn't catch my attention.
Profile Image for Kristy.
1,165 reviews20 followers
May 10, 2024
I really enjoy books that span over many years and you get to see the characters change and grow. Annie and Laurel find themselves in a difficult position after their mom dies and they need to run away. How will they make it? It's interesting to see how history repeats itself and you wonder if the outcome will be the same or different.
380 reviews2 followers
February 22, 2023
Enjoyed reading this new to me author. (fun fact: she previously wrote for the series Sweet Valley High and she herself had romances as complicated as her storylines) I may look into a few more of her books.
Profile Image for Mansi.
9 reviews
February 26, 2023
It’s a good read, but stretched too long. I am assuming the actual physical book would be a thick one and I would have picked it. I read it only kindle and there were various places where I thought the story could conclude, but it went on and on.
Profile Image for Patty.
1,570 reviews6 followers
March 12, 2018
Hmmm. Lying to people and not being honest to yourself does not lead to an easy life. This went a long way around the barn to get everyone sorted out. Just sayin'.
6 reviews
April 2, 2018
Such Devoted Sisters

I enjoy books by this author, tho this one was rather slow reading at times. However this might be others option at all.
Profile Image for Beverly B. Bright.
61 reviews4 followers
August 25, 2018
A good summer read.

Enjoyed another one from EG. Her novels are relatable. If you have a sister you'll like this. And so it's on to the next one for me.
47 reviews
May 29, 2021
Laurel and Annie love the same man Joe Daugherty in NY. Annie chocolatier, Laurel artist
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Denise.
127 reviews1 follower
April 21, 2023
Didn't finish. Too predictable, with the sisters choosing to do the most annoying things to wreck their lives. I got about halfway through, and then quit making myself read it.
1 review
July 30, 2023
Had a hard time putting this book down. Fell in love with all the characters. Cheered their triumphs and cried with them during their challenges. Fantastic book!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 66 reviews

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