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The Cousins O'Dwyer Trilogy #2

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Конър О’Дуайър се гордее с историята на рода си, съчетала в себе си ирландски поверия и магията на Тъмната вещица. Той живее в живописното графство Мейо с обичната си сестра Брана. Там братовчедка им Айона среща любовта на живота си и се научава да владее магията. Брана, Конър и Айона, заедно с приятелите им от детинство, образуват неразрушим кръг. Кръг, който се подготвя да унищожи злия магьосник Кеван завинаги.

Мийра и Брана са най-добри приятелки, по-близки и от сестри. Мийра е силна и независима жена, която не вярва в любовта. Но не може да отрече чувствата, които изпитва към красивия, добър и великодушен Конър. Младият мъж притежава изключителната дарба да общува със соколи. Тя му помага да ръководи школата за разходки и лов с величествените птици, които привличат тълпи туристи.

Мийра се страхува, че чувствата й към Конър ще разрушат дългогодишното им приятелство. Една неочаквана страстна целувка обаче преобръща живота и на двамата.

Но злото, приело формата на вълк, се спотайва в гъстите гори на Мейо. Усвоил магията на сенките, Кеван изчаква своя миг да нападне братовчедите О’Дуайър. И да им причини болка, наранявайки хората, които обичат...

352 pages, Paperback

First published March 25, 2014

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About the author

Nora Roberts

1,772 books53.6k followers
Nora Roberts is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than 200 novels, including Hideaway, Under Currents, Come Sundown, The Awakening, Legacy, and coming in November 2021 -- The Becoming -- the second book in The Dragon Heart Legacy. She is also the author of the futuristic suspense In Death series written under the pen name J.D. Robb. There are more than 500 million copies of her books in print.

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Profile Image for Karen.
10 reviews1 follower
March 27, 2014
Nora Roberts is one of my favorite authors. I have read every single book she's written. that being said, I felt completely let down by this book. It seemed to be a collaboration of many books she's already written. I felt I was rereading the same lines from so many other books. Connor used the same sentences that Roarke uses in her death series. The Irish theme I think has played itself out. I love a bit of supernatural, but the characters did not excite me. As a super fan, I will continue to read her books, I just hope they don't turn out as stale as this one:-(
Profile Image for Miki.
1,204 reviews
February 18, 2015
Ok, I know I said I wasn't going to read the second book in this series but I couldn't help myself. It's like driving by an accident scene-it's horrific but you can't stop trying to see more.

I just can't decide what is the worst thing -the recycled plot, the stick people characters, or the overdone, awful stage-Irishness. This one had all the bad things of the first one, plus a few more. I confess that I'll probably read the next one, if only to reach closure. Sigh. At least I didn't buy this one.
Profile Image for Laurie  (barksbooks).
1,816 reviews728 followers
February 8, 2017
Why does every other book I pick up have to be part of some ongoing (sometimes never ending) series? Why can’t a book stand alone? Why do I ask stupid questions when I already know the answer? I am crabby and all I want is a fantastic standalone romance novel and I can’t seem to find one this month. Is this too much to ask?!

So, here’s my story of woe. I reserved this from the library via the internet without knowing it was book #2 in a series. When I picked it up and realized my error (which is clearly stated on the front for any idiot to see), I was too lazy to go back to return it and figured I’d give it a go anyway. Nora Roberts is usually an author I can count on. My mistake. I should’ve wasted the gas and the time and turned back. Instead I wasted 10+ hours of my time insisting to myself this book would get better. It didn’t. I think this idiot has finally learned her lesson.

The entire first hour of this unabridged audiobook is spent introducing three siblings in Ireland with magical powers who are battling some evil do-er who murdered their parents. I thought the book was going to be about one of them since Roberts spent so much time with the intro’s and all and just as I was feeling bad for them and getting comfy with the storyline she zips us to the future. Here we meet another group of three with magical powers who are related to the previous three. What. The. Hey?

Somewhere around hour three (yes, hour three people, you can't call me a quitter!) I am finally clued in to the fact that this may be a romance and the hero is this nice, friendly Connor fellow and I’m good with that. He has magical powers, trains falcons and is content with his happy life. He loves his siblings/cousins and has a friendly outlook on life. The heroine is Meara, his childhood friend who he enjoys teasing and touching whenever he can. She leads horse tours. She doesn’t have the magical powers but she does have an affinity for the horses. She’s nice enough. Together they’re fine but I didn’t feel much of anything but perhaps it’s because I’m dead inside.

So, there is a romance happening but it didn’t thrill me all that much and felt more like a secondary plot element. I'd be sad if I weren't so bored.And cold-hearted.

What is going on is kind of crazy, convoluted and not very original. There is a Big Bad who escaped from a Charmed episode or the past or some such who keeps popping up to steal “the three’s” (or "The Trees" as the narrator says) magical powers. Or something. The six main characters spend a lot of moaning and groaning about how to vanquish the evil do-er. They perform some Wiccan ceremonies which never seem to pan out in their favor. It all felt really campy to me and not in the fun kind of campy way.

I will admit that I may easily have missed some heartwarming, touching and/or genuinely terrifying moments because the narrator read the book Fecking Terribly. He had a nice enough Irish accent but his American accent was atrocious and he seemed to fade in and out of it. He read the book instead of performing it and paused at inappropriate places. But the worst thing was that he made all of the characters sound almost exactly the same. I never quite knew who was speaking and the book felt as if it were 100 hours long and I feared it would never end and that this was my own private hell.

If you are following this series, do yourself a favor and skip this audio version. Find it at your library or buy the paperback or suffer like I did.
Profile Image for Ashley Christensen.
475 reviews22 followers
May 6, 2014
The second book of the Cousin O'Dwyer series was better than the first (which I reviewed here), in my opinion, because I actually loved the male protagonist, Connor.

The book centers on the friendship and then romance of Meara and Connor. Meara and Connor have been friends for years, and even were each other's first kiss. There hasn't been romance between them before, but it's obvious there are hints of it here and there- Connor talking about what a beautiful gypsy Meara is, Meara talking about Connor in a way only a girl who loves someone deep down can... there are hints everywhere!

This book starts off again with the original three, mainly Eamon, and again, goes on about 40 pages. But again, I found this part to be quite entertaining. It talks more of the evils of Cabhan, his lust of women, and his weakness for power. And throughout the book, Connor and Eamon (being the only males of the three) stories twist together through dream-like scenes in which they talk, and bring protections to each other.

There are several intense encounters between Meara and Cabhan. It's interesting because Meara does not have powers, but Cabhan knows if he takes her, he weakens the six.

I also loved the scenes this book at the place where Connor, Meara, Boyle, Finn, and Iona all work. The hawks and horses just sound so wonderful.

To be honest, a big part of the reason why I loved this book so much wasn't even because of just Meara and Connor's romance, though friends falling in love is one of my absolute favorite romantic storyline things. It was the friendship, again, of the six. Even Boyle seemed to talk and express more than he did in Dark Witch.
And, the romance that is stirring between Branna and Fin... I really cannot wait for it finally to come together. Though I am interested, as well, in the final battle between the six and Cabhan. I thought for sure they were going to get him towards the end. Of course, there is another book so I should have known it wasn't going to end that way, but they really were so close!

(Also seen on my blog -http://www.beautyandthereads.com/2014...)
Profile Image for Melissa.
312 reviews27 followers
August 7, 2019
I suppose when you're Nora Roberts, you can't help but repeat yourself in certain aspects. I usually don't mind it, because the characters are different enough to support it, but her latest trilogy is just...not fun. I feel like it's a jumble of her earlier stuff.

In the first book, you've got a woman selling all her stuff and moving to Ireland where her family is. There's Jewels of the Sun right there. You've got a supernatural fight on your hands that needs to be fought on solstice with a newbie. There's Dance Upon The Air. I liked the leads, but it just felt to familiar for me.

In this book, it's even worse because I genuinely liked the romance. I liked Meara and Connor. But I felt like I was reading another entry in a trilogy I'd already finished.

I suppose this is the price I pay for having so many Nora books a year, and at the end of the day, her not so good books are better than other author's best books, so I'll suck it up, and get through this trilogy like I did the Sign of Seven and Blood Brothers, and hope another Bride Quartet is around the corner, because those were some of my favorites.

Edited for typos, because I apparently cannot spell.
Profile Image for Erin.
3,257 reviews476 followers
January 11, 2019
Well, this is definitely more like what I would expect from Aunt Nora! Set in Ireland, three cousins and their partners are trying to end an ancient evil from inflicting any more pain on their family. This book is Connor and Meara's story and their romance was much stronger than Iona and Boyle. Meara had a much more intriguing back story that was definitely relatable and I could see that she and Connor were definitely meant to be. I also just loved their personalities. Lastly, I enjoyed that the 13th century family was more present all throughout the tale. Eamon is definitely a favorite!
Profile Image for Jonetta.
2,321 reviews1,159 followers
November 4, 2014
A bit of background
As with the first story in this trilogy, Dark Witch, it begins in the past with the three children of the first dark witch, Sorcha. I love this aspect as it’s entrenched in the underlying mythology. Each time we learn a little bit more about Cabhan, the dark sorcerer, which helps the six friends figure out a way to defeat him.

What I liked
Connor’s my favorite of all the characters. His breezy, fun-loving spirit is infectious and endears him to friends and family. He’s the kind of guy that is popular with the ladies but doesn’t leave a trail of broken hearts. They all seem to know it’s just for fun. Even with Meara, who he’s known all his life, their friendship has never wavered.

After a particularly nasty encounter with Cahban, Connor and Meara’s relationship takes a turn toward romance. Both are a bit unnerved but Meara especially so. Abandoned by her father, she’s pretty resistant to starting something with Connor. Him? Not so much. It’s a nice, new direction for him.

The strength of this story, however, is the friendship of the six. Some of the best moments are when they’re all together. This is a familiar theme of Nora’s trilogies, especially to me now as I recently finished the Sign of Seven series.

I have mixed feelings about the narration. Alan Smyth’s Irish accent certainly helped keep me in the setting, especially during the scenes with Sorcha’s children. However, I couldn’t distinguish any of the male characters from one another. When you’re reading Nora’s stories, particularly where there’s dialogue, the transitions don’t always bear the character names. It’s not an issue when reading print or eBooks but it was a huge one for me with this performance. I struggled knowing who was talking.

Bottom line
It’s an enjoyable friends to lovers romance with a strong and interesting underlying mythology. I welcome the final chapter of the trilogy and already bought the audiobook, which is narrated by the fabulous Susan Ericksen!
Profile Image for Lisa Kay.
924 reviews524 followers
March 18, 2016
★★★★✩ (This is a review of the audiobook.) Okay, I've never heard this narrator, Alan Smyth, before and I won't be searching him out again. He. Pauses. Way. Too. Often. And the accent didn't sound right. I would have switched to the Kindle to read; however, I decided to speed it up - way up! - as I had a due date to finish it by for a challenge. (Plus, I was driving on holiday.) This helped some, but not enough. Disappointing, as I loved the narrator in the first book in the series, Katherine Kellgren; she was exceptional. And I know Susan Ericksen (who does the In Death series so wonderfully) is doing the next, so I powered through.

Still, I'm enjoying this enchanting series. Roberts does a nice job with the "time travel" or reincarnation aspect - if you can call it either of those. Usually, I don't like long prologues, but with this series you get an update on Sorcha’s three children set in Medieval times, from whom these present-day cousins are descended. They are a delight. In addition, the solidification of the idea that joining of these six friends is what will ultimately win the day is what shines as this series progresses.

This is a "friends to lover" story for Connor and Meara, nicely done. I also like that Conner, who, although he deals with the darkness of the sorcery of Cabhan, is himself cheerful and pleasant. If you're looking for a dark and brooding alpha male, you won't find him here. Nice change of pace, that.
Profile Image for Sandy.between.books.
441 reviews45 followers
July 13, 2017
Reseña completa

Tengo que confesar que comencé esta novela con un poco de miedo porque los comentarios y reseñas que había leído sobre ella era que iba un poco cuesta abajo en cuanto a los libros de la serie, pero he de decir que a mí me ha gustado más que el primer libro. Ya os dije en la reseña de Bruja Oscura que la protagonista no me cayó bien hasta la mitad del libro más o menos, y en cambio en este los dos protagonistas me han gustado desde el principio...

Hechizo en la niebla es una buena segunda parte de esta serie. Aunque menor en acción, la que hay se eleva en intensidad por lo que no te puedes despegar de sus hojas en ningún momento. Además cuenta con dos grandes protagonistas y con ese toque de magia que me gusta encontrar en las novelas de la autora y con unos secundarios maravillosos a los que tienes que conocer.
Profile Image for Olga.
1,029 reviews155 followers
July 20, 2016
Me ha gustado, sobre todo la parte del pasado y los encuentros entre todos los antepasados y los presentes... sobre la historia de amor, en esta saga la veo flojita y me hubiera encantado que se le hubiera dado mas protagonismo porque tenia potencial.... Connor es un amor, paciente, sensible y con un toque de picaresca y Meara tiene todos los miedos del mundo derivados de su pasado pero es fuerte y compensa todos los defectos... A por la historia de Branna, que ganas!!!
Profile Image for Holly .
1,367 reviews290 followers
July 25, 2014
Oh, how I enjoyed reading about Meara and Connor falling in love. They had so much chemistry, and I absolutely love these characters. Their relationships with each other are heartwarming, fun, and very deep. This circle of friendship is tight, a bond links them together through their ancestry and secrets. And I love it when they're all interacting with one another. Even when they're teasing or fighting, they still look out for each other. And I love that it's set in Ireland, because I adore how these characters talk. The circle is my favorite part of this series. :)

The story-line is a bit predictable, but I find that I don't mind it so much. I just wish there was a little more action. But the plot is constantly moving, with a few quiet moments thrown in as well. I love the magickal elements and how lyrical the writing is. It makes for a very enchanting read.

I can't wait to find out what happens next, and I'm especially excited about Branna's and Fin's story. I think these two may just be my favorite of the characters, and I want them to have a happy ending so much. Shadow Spell was another wonderful book in this magickal series with amazing friendships and deep family ties, charming Irish scenery, and the knowledge that light always wins.

November, 2013:
I cannot wait to watch Meara and Connor fall in love! <3
Profile Image for Kjen.
490 reviews37 followers
April 8, 2014
Love this trilogy...so looking forward to book 3. Fin is Roarke's magical twin;) Connor was awesome in this. He's the sexy-lovable-sensitive hero type. Love the flashbacks to the original three, and the dream shift added an interesting twist. I read this more slowly than I usually read a Nora, but that was my life during the time...not the book. Bring on Fin in book 3!
Profile Image for Alba Turunen.
736 reviews242 followers
October 28, 2023
3 Estrellitas. Me ha gustado, pero lo justo justito. El primer libro me pareció mejor, todo era nuevo, y éste ha sido más un libro de transición.

En el primero, los protagonistas no pudieron con Cabhan. Pero esta vez son más, y aunque sus parejas no tengan magia, no dejan de ser un círculo de poder y amor.

En "Bruja oscura" tuvimos el romance de Iona y Boyle, Iona era la prima americana de los O'Dwyer, y Boyle el amigo de ellos. En "Hechizo en la niebla" tenemos el romance de Connor y Meara.

Connor es descendiente directo de la primera Bruja Oscura, Sorcha. Su símbolo siempre ha sido el halcón, y en el condado de Mayo, Irlanda, tiene un próspero negocio turístico de cetrería. Meara Quinn conoce a los O'Dwyer desde siempre, Branna es su mejor amiga, pero nunca hubo nada entre Connor y Meara.

Será en éste libro, cuando los intentos del malvado hechicero Cabhan, ataquen a Meara para llegar hasta Connor, cuando ambos protagonistas se den cuenta de que hay algo entre ellos. Esos ataques y la realidad de ver que son mortales precipitará el torbellino de emociones que ambos empiezan a sentir.

Aunque Connor no lo creía, siempre ha querido a Meara, y para él es tan natural, que no le costará nada enamorarse. Por otro lado Meara será más difícil. Meara nunca ha visto a Connor como lo que era, un amigo. Y en su fuero interno, no se cree capaz de amar. Meara viene de una familia desestructurada, donde su padre abandonó a su madre y a sus cinco hijos. ¿Cómo podría amar cuando en su vida eso no ha existido?

La novela en general está bien, pero ha tenido ciertos detalles que me han chirriado. El rollo paranormal que se trae Nora Roberts en ésta serie está bien, pero me parecen unos libros poco elaborados, todo va al grano, todo es correcto y a la vez superficial, que como lector esperas giros o algo sorpresivo. En el primer libro sí lo ví, pero en éste segundo no, me falta el efecto sorpresa, algo que me emocione y me mantenga enganchada. Pero todo es tan correcto, que me cuesta creérmelo.

El romance ha sido correcto, pero nada memorable, el personaje de Connor es un amor y enseguida congenias con él. Con Meara he tenido más problemas. Ella no tiene la culpa del ambiente en el que se ha criado, pero que no se permita amar o ser feliz me chirría. Éste es un recurso que muchas autoras utilizan, y me resulta tan antinatural, que no me lo creo. Lo usan para alargar la trama, crear fricción y dar el giro final donde todo se solucione. Hay veces que este recurso funciona, pero otras me cansa y este ha sido el caso.

Ha estado bien, pero podría haber sido mejor. Supongo que Nora Roberts se ha dejado lo mejor para el final, y por eso ha creado tanta tensión entre Branna y Fin durante los primeros libros. No negaré que esta es la historia que más estoy deseando conocer, el problema es que me estoy creando expectativas, y si no se cumplen lo sufriré mucho.
Profile Image for Birgit.
462 reviews8 followers
May 27, 2014
Is it just me or is Nora Roberts getting really boring. I listened to this book (well not all of it) and as it's set in Ireland the voice actor has an Irish accent which is nice bit it's a male. I'm sorry but chic lit being read by a male is just weird. As I said I did not finish it because I know what is going to happen, the two lovers will have a fight over something inane, get back together, attempt to fight the evil Cahban (not sure of the correct spelling), they will fail because there is a third book in this trilogy (obviously), marriage will be proposed blah blah blah.

I won't event attempt the third book because once again I know what will happen, the last remaining pair will get together even though they will fight it, have amazing sex, fight, split up, get back together and once again fight and finally win over the evil Cahban because this is the last book. Some magic will be thrown in here and there, some humour (I do enjoy the humour), some really long boring conversations, blah blah blah.

I have read a few of her trilogies and have enjoyed them but this one is just lame.
Profile Image for Ari.
911 reviews208 followers
March 24, 2016

I love Nora Roberts' books. Her, Linda Howard and Sandra Brown are my trio of favorite comfort reads. And this trilogy has everything I usually love. Tell me a book is set in Ireland or New Orleans and I'll read it.

But I can't keep going.

It's the same thing over and over again, everything happens so fast, so abruptly; the constant get togethers drive me insane when they just repeat what I, as the reader, already know has happened. They sound so stiff and cookie-cutter. I can barely feel the chemistry between the two leads. I'm well aware that Cabhan will be beaten in the end so I'm not missing much there.

I read these books for the ride, for the fun of it, but that's lacking greatly.

What happened to the adventure of Three Sisters Island, or the Key Trilogy, or the Circle Trilogy, or Sign of Seven?! Some of my favorites by her.

Not sure what happened to Roberts with these books, but they're lackluster.
Profile Image for Phrynne.
3,551 reviews2,408 followers
August 14, 2014
I enjoyed this every bit as much as I did the first in the series, Dark Witch. The spotlight is on a different pair of characters this time and Connor turns out to be Roarke's twin brother only with magical skills. There may be a bit of predictability in the story and the characters may be just a little stereo-typically Irish but who cares! It is a fun, easy read and I am looking forward to the last in the trilogy when it comes out later this year. Hopefully it will be Branna and Fin's turn to go under the microscope.
Profile Image for ☕️Kimberly  (Caffeinated Reviewer).
3,236 reviews720 followers
May 22, 2014
Five Reasons to Grab a cup of Coffee and Curl-up with Shadow Spell:

1. If you liked tales of prophecy, witchcraft and fate. The Dark Witch gave her powers to her children, and told them “their blood, her blood” would one day defeat Cabhan the evil sorcerer who took her life. He killed their father and sent them into hiding and away from their beloved home in County Mayo, Ireland. The time is now. Three cousins of their blood have gathered along with their friends and formed a circle to defeat him and fulfill their destiny.

2. If the friends to lovers’ trope is a favorite, you are sure to enjoy the romance that develops between Conner and Meara Quinn. Conner is tall and strong with a twinkle in his eye. He walks comfortably in his shoes and speaks to his hawks. He is patient and loyal, and you cannot help but adored him. Meara tends horses, does horseback tours and cares for her elderly mother. She guards her heart after it was damaged, but she is loyal and loves her friends. From that first jolt of electricity that ran through them when fear opened the door to their feelings I felt their connection.

3. If small-town settings make you want to get cozy by the fire then Shadow Spell will delight you. I loved how Roberts brought the Ireland countryside to life. She gives us a sweeping view and I long for the fields, the forest and gardens. The O’Dwyer cousins have surrounded themselves with good friends, and I loved the plotting to destroy Cabhan and intimate “family” dinners. Their friendships are strong and enviable.

4. While there is predictability in both the plot and the romances, Roberts’ weaved in hair-raising spells, strong friendships and an overall story arc filled with danger and suspense. I could feel the fog rising, taste the power of their spells and smell their fears. We even dream travel and get to meet the three children of the Dark Witch. The tale of destroying Cabhan is front and center as Roberts’ creates twists and danger. She continues to flesh out her characters and the story while serving up a delightful side of romance. Providing just the right amount of heat to curl your toes.

5. It’s rural Ireland, and I loved the language to their way of life. I suddenly have a need to go Hawking, ride a horse, and eat Guinness stew and then perhaps partake in some dancing. I also have to teach my hubby those Irish terms of endearment Conner whispers in Meara’s ear..*swoon*!
Profile Image for Jess .
1,048 reviews149 followers
April 28, 2021
Connor & Meara's story was such an improvement in Shadow Spell over Ilona and Boyle's in Dark Witch. This is one of those stories that I want to love but for some reason just don't quite work for me. I was intrigued for certain, but there was something missing....

Being back in County Mayo with The Three was beautiful and nerve wracking at times. More often than not I felt like Meara was kind of being too stubborn for her own good and Connor went from being all about the ladies to being all about Meara in a matter of days when he never looked at her other than as a friend before. You really don't get a lot of time with them together to see how their bond changes from point to the next, but I did feel like Connor's heart was away more into it than Meara's even at the end of the story.

Honestly for me, I don't know if I would have continued on with this trilogy if Fin and Branna's story had been first or even second. Their story is bound to be the most intense because they have a lot of drama to work out between themselves but also between The Three if they have any hope of stopping Cabhan.
Profile Image for Celeste.
1,012 reviews2,441 followers
August 16, 2021
As with Dark Witch, Shadow Spell is fun but forgettable. Not Nora’s best work, but there’s still something about it that’s incredibly easy to read and even harder to put down. I believe everything Nora Roberts has ever written is worth reading, and even rereading, for the sheer ease of the reading. The stories and the characters and the romance are always somehow comforting, no matter the stakes.

Each installment of this trilogy begins with at least one chapter in the thirteenth century before flashing forward to modern day. These historical chapters give us a look at the three original children of the Dark Witch, the offspring of whom are our perspective characters in the present. The first book featured the lineage of Teagan, whose guide was the horse and whose present-day heir is Iona. This installment features Eamon, whose guide was the hawk and whose heir is Connor, one of the two full siblings involved in the story. And, through all three books, we are given glances into the mind of Brannaugh, the eldest and connected to the hound, whose heir is Brenna.

I really love Nora’s way of describing animals, and the emotions that relationships with them provoke. The way she described horses in Dark Witch, and the way she she describes hawks in this book, is magical and even breathtaking at times. I happened to see two hawks while walking my dogs during my reading of this book, and it was such a cool moment and a unique connection to have with the story.

A trope that I’ve always loved is that of childhood friends to lovers. I knew at first sight that my husband was the one for me, as cheesy as that sounds. I was sixteen at the time, and I never looked back. But I love the sweetness of a story where the protagonist and love interest have known each other their entire lives and have always been friends, when those friendly feelings slowly or suddenly develop into something more in adulthood. That’s the relationship in this book, and it was a lovely one.

Again, I enjoyed this book, but didn’t love it. There’s something insubstantial about this series. A bit rushed, a bit forced, the story is interesting but doesn’t go as deep as it could have. I did enjoy this installment a touch more than the first because I really love Connor, the male protagonist. His empathy and passion were very well balanced, and Nora just did an exceptional job crafting him. I like Meara, the female protagonist, as well, but Connor was the star of the show for me.

I don’t remember much about the final installment in the series, but I do know there’s going to be a ton of angst. Which isn’t really my thing. But I’m too invested to stop now. So bring on the angst, I suppose.
Profile Image for Joana .
209 reviews75 followers
January 13, 2019
What a let down. I feel cheated. After having somewhat enjoyed the first book Dark Witch, I was looking forward to starting this next installment because of all the potential this story had. What I ended up with, however, was a waste of my time. I don't think I can honestly say that I enjoyed one aspect of this book. Why? BECAUSE IT WAS BASICALLY A REPEAT OF THE FIRST BOOK.

The only thing that changed was the couple that we followed, Meara and Connor, which made little to no difference at all.

The plot if we want to say that there even was one was so so sooooo repetitive.
It basically followed this format:

-someone gets attacked by Cabhan

-they almost die and yet there is never any real fear of this happening because we all know that there is no way that would happen, making it feel sort of pointless

-the "circle" gets together to eat and drink together and the person who was attacked has to explain IN DETAIL WHAT THEY WENT THROUGH TO THE OTHERS EVEN THOUGH WE READ ABOUT LITERALLY TWO SECONDS AGO. It was just so unneccessary and made everything seem very redundant.

-they talk about nothing and yet I get the feeling that I was supposed to have learned something from these meetings

-they repeat for the millionth time how important it is that they stay united and don't break the bonds of the circle. Like, WE KNOW, NO NEED TO REPEAT IT EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. UGH.

-little spat between lovers

-one of them gets attacked



Add to that the fact that these are some of the most flat characters that I've ever read about and you've got the perfect book to put someone to sleep. Or maybe give them homicidal tendencies :)

As for the romance between the two, I felt practically no chemistry. Nada. Zilch. They were friends and then all of a sudden they are declaring their love for each other? Nah, fam. GIVE ME SOME ANGST THAT ISN'T CAUSED BY HALF ASSED PROBLEMS. It seemed like I was being told about the feelings between them instead of shown. Suffice it to say, the romance or lack thereof was my final straw.

It was by sheer will that I was able to finally finish this book and every time I picked it up, it felt more like a chore than anything else. What a disappointment.
Profile Image for Cristina G. Leitón.
156 reviews279 followers
April 4, 2017
Después de lo poquísimo que me gustó la primera parte, Hechizo en la niebla se ha parecido más a lo que acostumbro a encontrar cuando cojo un libro de Nora Roberts. Como ya pensé al terminar el primero, el segundo me ha gustado más debido, en mayor parte, a sus protagonistas. Connor y Meara ya me gustaban como secundarios en Bruja oscura, y debido a que los protagonistas de la primera parte fueron lo peor de la novela, esta pareja ha llevado muchísimo mejor el peso de la trama, que continúa la que quedó abierta en el anterior libro. Boyle e Iona, los protagonistas de la primera novela, me han gustado mucho más como secundarios que como protagonistas, y Fin y Branna, a pesar de no ser protagonistas hasta la tercera y última novela, son mis personajes favoritos hasta el momento. Por eso mismo, y porque me muero por saber cómo termina y, sobre todo, leer el desenlace con Branna y Fin como personajes principales, con todas sus contradicciones y sus secretos a voces. Así que Hechizo en la niebla ha conseguido que quiera terminar la trilogía, y no solo eso, sino que tengo muchísima ilusión por el tercer libro.
Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,080 reviews392 followers
October 14, 2017
With where book one left off, there was no way I wasn't going to pick up book two immediately following it.

While it was a cliffhanger by any stretch of the means, it still left me wanting more and needed to find out what would happen next.

I loved Connor from book one, he was so endearing, caring and sweet and I couldn't wait to delve deeper into his thoughts and his story as well as Eamon's. I knew I was in for a treat. And the chance to see inside the feisty headstrong Meara was a treat as well.

This series is getting better and better and I love the role the three have as well as the six. Robert's seamlessly weaved the stories together and combined them and I loved it. It pleased both the history buff in me and the paranormal lover.

I can't wait for more and to see how it all finally comes to a close.
Profile Image for Ashley Daviau.
1,961 reviews966 followers
July 22, 2016
While I thoroughly enjoyed the first book in the series, I found this one quite a chore to get through. It just struck me as way too similar to the first book and I found myself skimming through the second half as I had already predicted what would happen and found myself quickly losing interest. I don't own the third book in the series and quite frankly I can't be bothered to waste money on it. Besides, I already know how it's going to end down to the last detail... This is the first time I find myself disappointed with a Nora Roberts book and I'm very surprised because usually I'm a sucker for her books!
Profile Image for Lauren.
2,396 reviews159 followers
March 23, 2024
Shadow Spell
3 Stars

Seemingly carefree and fun-loving, Connor O'Dwyer is eager to seize every moment of happiness whether it be with his gifted sister, his beloved hawk, his casual lovers, or with Meara Quinn, one of his oldest and dearest friends. Meara has known Connor long enough to realize he will never settle down, but then a single unguarded moment changes their relationship. Soon Connor and Meara are not only battling against the nefarious dark sorcerer, Cabhan, but against their own confusing feelings. Will Connor and Meara accept the promise of their future before Cabhan uses it against them?

As with the first book in the series, the prologue contributes significantly to the ongoing conflict with Cabhan and introduces an intriguing idea - . Moreover, the setting in and around County Mayo is perfect for the paranormal atmosphere of the story.

While the Cabhan storyline is excellent, and the closeness between the six members of the circle is a highlight, Connor and Meara's romance is only so-so. Meara is a delightful heroine (who doesn't love a sword-wielding spitfire?), and her friendship with Connor is special. Nevertheless, their chemistry as a couple is weak. Furthermore, the constant reminders of his popularity with the ladies are offputting, and make his feelings for Meara seem forced.

Lastly, the audiobook narrated by Alan Smyth is disappointing. He speaks too slowly and places long pauses in inappropriate places. Consequently, I was forced to switch to the eBook.

The final installment focuses on Branna and Finbar Burke. Considering their history, both familial and personal, it will be interesting to see how Nora reconciles these two independent and willful people.
Profile Image for Annie ⚜️.
512 reviews21 followers
January 19, 2019
I like to read stuff like this in the fall around Halloween. This fit the bill of a witchy fall read. As usual, it stood to be about 25 pages shorter. It's tough being the middle book of a trilogy.
Profile Image for Becky.
514 reviews3 followers
March 26, 2014
Hmmm...maybe I am missing something that so many others got out of this book. It was simply an alright book to me, very predictable.

This book focuses around Meara and Connor, both characters I liked (except towards the end where I just wanted to slap Meara), but did not feel like either had much depth. As in so many of Roberts novels there is a character with "mommy issues," and poor Meara is the girl in this series. I felt badly for her that she had to basically be a parent to her own mother.

Although there were some things about the book I appreciated.

I loved the tours that Connor and Meara took the visitors on throughout the book, which gave me a little taste of Ireland.

I did really enjoy that magic in the book, especially the bond with these cousins. I am really hoping the third and final book holds my interest more. So far Branna has been my favorite cousin throughout the series so I am anticipating her and Fin's story.
3 reviews
April 21, 2014
This book is derivative of two other Robert's series--the Irish trilogy and the Three Sisters Island trilogy. The same plot, same antagonist, same characters--everything is retreaded and not in any way that improves from the originals.

The foreshadowing in this second book is also very heavy-handed. I will venture to guess that the moment between Conner and Eamon where they joined hands and blasted Cabhan is a huge clue to how he will finally be defeated. I spent most of the book wanting to smack Branna for being a twit and not devoting any time to researching that connection--the only thing thus far that has done any real or lasting damage to Cabhan, the boring and one-dimensional villain. I predict the three chosen ones in present time will use the time warp around Sorcha's cottage to connect with the original chosen ones to finally defeat Cabhan in third book.

Profile Image for Sina & Ilona Glimmerfee.
1,056 reviews119 followers
August 28, 2016
Im zweiten Teil der O'Dwyer-Trilogie stehen diesmal Meara und der Hexer Connor im Mittelpunkt. Doch auch die bekannten anderen Mitglieder des magischen Zirkel kommen nicht zu kurz, gilt es auch weiterhin, den bösen Magier Cabhan ein für alle Mal auszuschalten.

Ich weiß nicht genau woran es lag, aber dieser Teil konnte mich nicht so sehr fesseln, wie der erste Teil. Vielleicht störten mich die Treffen mit einem ihrer Urahnen oder ich habe gerade eine Überdosis des Hexenzirkels genossen ... Das Strickmuster ist nicht anders als bei dem ersten Band und so wusste ich genau, was auf mich zu kommt.

Fazit: Ich werde den dritten Teil auch lesen, allerdings gönne ich mir jetzt erst eine Pause, um dem letzten Teil auch wieder gerecht werden zu können.
Profile Image for Ewa ❀.
718 reviews42 followers
March 29, 2014
Well, I like it. It was better than the first book.
I like Connor very much. He is such a peaceful, compassionate, friendly. You can not dislike him.
Meara is fine. In the entire book had one, very short breakdown what very much pleases me. I was afraid that there would be a parting as for a long time as at Iona and Boyle.
Now I'm waiting half a year to the third book; Branna and Fin, my favorite hero.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,393 reviews

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